Fastest socket 939 processor?


Limp Gawd
May 11, 2000
I am wondering what the fastest stock and fastest overclocked CPU is that is a socket 939 processor. Thanks!
I think the highest S939 CPU released wasa 4800+ but that's nearly impossible to find. The FX-60 would be a good S939 chip to overclock since it has unlocked multipliers. I can't find out how fast my 3800+ X2 (2.0GHz stock) will go since my board's voltage choices suck and limits it's abilities to go higher than 2.6GHz stable -> but that's at STOCK VOLTAGE (actually 1.35v so might be less than stock) for a 600MHz gain.
fx-60 is the fastest dual core, fx-57 is fastest single, 2.6 and 2.8ghz respectively

the 4800+ is 2.4ghz
fastest oc'd was an fx57 at 4201mhz and i wanna say a 3800+ x2 at like 3.8ghz or something. single core/dual core of course.
Opteron 185 is at 2.6ghz ... they're still expensive though - $329 on Newegg. I think you can OC them to 3 or 3.1 ghz possibly. My x2 4600+ will do 2.7GHz, but I have to turn my Vcore up to 1.45V and it has to be relatively cool in my room.
I'm know we're not talking the same socket here but the cheapest fastest one is probably the socket AM2 4000+ at 2.6 GHz for around $125 CDN which should be less than $100 U.S. This is only single core though and since some games run better on duals, then it's kind of useless for the latest games. Still, for UT2004 or something else, that would still rock.
I have heard the Opty 185 is the fastest:D

but i really dont know, I was told it was an fx-60 with locked multi