Far Cry on 9500 Pro, anyone?


Oct 20, 2003
I’m considering buying this game since it´s the hottest thing around but I think it may be too much for my computer, seeing that owners of 9800 Pro and XT are turning graphics detail down.

I’d like to hear from anyone with a Radeon 9500 Pro what their experience with the game is.
I’m running my card at 350 core and 300 mem paired with a P4 [email protected] (170 fsb) and 512 megs of ram. Last time I checked I got 4454 3dmarks (not with the settings I use for gaming).

Happy gaming to y’all

P.S. Downloading the demos is not an option at the moment since I’m on dialup.
I'm doing around 35-50fps on a 9600pro (not oced at the moment) very high machine thingy, 1024x768x32
What you need is not a new video card it´s more RAM really. Otherwise you will get very jumpy performance.

My sig I can max everything out including water to ultra high with reflections and everything at 1024x768x32 with no antialiasing and max in game aniso (is 4 = 16x anisotrophic???) and get over 30 fps 95 % of the time. I don´t know if your 9500 PRO is "9700" modded but if it´s you don´t even have to make any big sacrifices. Since I have heard of many 9700 PRO owners running my settings.

So just get 1 gig of ram total would be what would help you the most in this case.

Me I get 6000 in 3DMARK2003 making everything look super ugly ;)
It'll run fine on your System, the Radeon 9500 is a great card and your Computers plenty. If you can adding more RAM may help, FarCry seems to like 1GB .
Thanks for your replies. Seems another half gig of ram might be wiser than upgrading graphics at the moment. Maybe prices on 9800 pro/XT will drop once the next gen cards are out.

Oqvist: the mod you mention is only for the non-pro 9500 so I'm stuck with just overclocking this card.

Originally posted by Modig
Thanks for your replies. Seems another half gig of ram might be wiser than upgrading graphics at the moment. Maybe prices on 9800 pro/XT will drop once the next gen cards are out.

Oqvist: the mod you mention is only for the non-pro 9500 so I'm stuck with just overclocking this card.


Okay I have a memory like that fish in Finding Nemo but the 9500 PRO is a 8 pipeline card right?
I run my 9500Pro at stock speeds at the moment on a 2.4B with 1Gig of RAM.

1024x768x32 with highest everything and no problems. Couldn't give you an exact FPS, but no skips is fine by me.

In other news the 9500Pro is probably the best hardware purchase I ever made, if it can run Farcry fine I think it'll handle HL2/Doom3 as well.

Can only hope there's a 9500Pro equivilent in the next generation of cards.
my 9500pro is one of those mods, just flash'd the bios, and i think your would have to be to be able to run 300/350, on my comp tho i can run farcry with full everything and get round 30 fps most of the time, the 9500 freaking rocks and if you check out the prices on it, its one of the only cards that hasnt lost that much value in 2years, go figgure....
Yes the faith of 9500 PRO and 9700 PRO have both met the same faith. They are actually priced for what they gives not by their age :mad:

My 9700 PRO died on me and getting a used 9700 PRO would cost almost as much as getting a new 9800 PRO :mad:
Originally posted by jungleistflash
my 9500pro is one of those mods, just flash'd the bios, and i think your would have to be to be able to run 300/350, on my comp tho i can run farcry with full everything and get round 30 fps most of the time, the 9500 freaking rocks and if you check out the prices on it, its one of the only cards that hasnt lost that much value in 2years, go figgure....
What the hell? I thought you could only do 9500np with L-shaped ram ---> 9700???

Since when can you mod a 9500Pro to a 9700Pro, and how? Or maybe you just meant you overclocked it enough so that it gets the same performance as a 9700Pro at stock?
Indeed. The 9500pro is pretty rad. Last i checked im at 330/310 stock cooling.

Farcry runs and looks great. Your system, like mine could use 1gig total ram. (XP 2100, 512mb).
The only reason it doesn't run great is because of texture caching. If you run everything on normal you'll get like 40FPS.
If you turn in on High, you'll get 25-30FPS but there will be soo much caching it's annoying to play.
No problems running FarCry on my 9500P (327/310), either. Set at 1280, eye candy is high/very high.

Rest of the rig consists of:

Athlon XP @ 200x11
1GB of Kingston HyperX (1:1, "agressive" settings)
on an A7N8X-X

This game friggin' ROCKS.
I have a soft modded 9500 non-pro that runs beautifully, 2.53 P4 @ 2.7, 512mb DDR, no over-clocking, 5494 3DMark03 points. I wanna pick up a copy of Far Cry.
This is a weird problem. The stagnation of computer games and the progress of computer hardware.

I remember when there were many games that just wouldnt run on the best settings, even with the best hardware at the time.
It took atleast another gen of cards and such to catch up.

It hasnt happened in a while, but hopefully it will come back.
Good thing crytech scales to work with older hardware, yet has enough to push even the beefiest computer. I think this is the way it should be.
Originally posted by Modig
I’m considering buying this game since it´s the hottest thing around but I think it may be too much for my computer, seeing that owners of 9800 Pro and XT are turning graphics detail down.

I don't see why a 9800 would need to turn down anything on Far Cry. It runs beautifully at highest settings unless you are trying 1600x1200 or some crazy shit. ;) (If it even supports that resolution)
Seriously, games are only going to get more graphics intensive plus you have the next gen cards that are about to be announced - should bring prices on down. It always does....

Food for thought.
what the hell, i have everything set on medium, and have overdrive enabled. The game will drop to 30 fps on 1024x768 on medium settings.
you definitly need more ram, i was screwing with my system and took out 512 and it fucking sucked playing far cry
No probs on Radeon 9600 non pro, and 256 mb ddr memory.
First 6 seconds are very laggy due to the textures loading on only 256 memory, but then onwards no probs .

1024*768 very high settings around 30- 35 fps constant after first 6 seconds...
Originally posted by mc_P
try playing it with 256 sdram :eek: i

I'll pass, thank you. If I want FC screenshots, I'll go to ign for them. :p
Originally posted by FingerSlut
1 gig ram isnt enough?
ev1 whos saying theyre playing the game maxed out has 1 gig

1 Gig is definiatly enough. But I would guess the sweetspot has moved from 768 mb for previous mem intensive games to 1 Gig for Far Cry. Makes you wonder if we soon don´t need 1,5 Gig or more :eek:
Got three rigs with 1gb pc3200 on each one, and Far Cry runs great on all of them.
2400xp w/fx5900
2700xp w/9700pro
2700xp w/9800pro
Yup, upgraded from 512 to 1gig last weekend. All "Very High" settings caused game to stutter, and I first thought it was due to the 'only 128meg' video card. But then I bought more memory and there hasn't been a single stutter since.

I'm running 9500pro and xp2000.
Far Cry run nicely even on 9600P but you really need 1GB ram. Even when 9800P providing me 60-80 fps, gameplay is choppy for ram only..........install 512mb more & all the choppiness gone.....