Far Cry buzz 10 tims >BFV and UT2004 buzz


[H]F Junkie
Dec 24, 2001
If you look at what buzz Far Cry has created in comparison to BFV and UT2004.

I mean this will be the 7th or 8th thread on the first page in this forum including something about Far Cry.

So how come people are so much more into Far Cry than BFV and UT2004? BFV is the follow up of the huge success BF1942 and UT2004 has tons of new content over the UT2K3 and both are regarded as awesome games.

What makes Far Cry so special? I hopefully will get my copy today haven´t played BFV and UT2004 so can´t compare with them.
I really don't see the hype .. I never heard about Far Cry before the demo was released .. then it was kinda ok .. nothing special .. I won't be getting it .. and apart from this forum I haven't seen Far Cry mentioned ..

BF:V will be fine for me .. then when Joint Operations comes out I'll probably switch to that (100+ multiplayer) .. and then when STALKER comes out I'll play that ..

oh yea .. and D3 and HL2 if/when they ever get released ..
And you would have been saying the same thing about Halflife 5 years ago when it came out "i dont see whats so special about it, your just going around killing things".

FarCry is the type of game that makes you say "This is what i put thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours of time into my computer for."

On the surface, Yes its just another FPS but graphicaly it uses ALL the special features of your graphics card and it does it flawlessly.

I'm running a AMD 2400+ 1024ram / radeon 9800pro - game at 1280X1024 2xAA 8XAF texture settings in game set to MAX (except shadows) and it doesn't stutter or slow down at all. (about 20-30 fps).
And IMO... If your running a 9800 Pro at 1280x1024 with 2xAA and 8xAF... and still getting no stutters or frame rate drop.. then i don't think it is using your graphics card to the max.... Seems like the card is a little overpowered for the game IMO....
It really is a beautiful game. Granted the gameplay has been done to death in many many other games, but none before it have looked this good doing it.

And, more importantly it works (cant say the same for BFV) :mad:
Well I just got it and haven´t installed it yet. But this may indicate that SP still is larger than MP.

Me I am extremely single player oriented. When I got my 10 mb internet connection I was like wow now I will play MP all the time since I have had some though limited amount of fun mp time in Quake Duke Nukem3D, STARCRAFT and Counterstrike before. All very limited since I could only play Duke Nukem 3d and Quake at school and STARCRAFT I discovered just 1-2 years ago and didn´t play much after that because of some issues. Counterstrike the same.

But I tried the free trial of that fps rpg forgot it´s name also run Unreal 2 XMP once and Enemy territory once as well as EVE once and have never played them since. Always reverted back to the SP games. The only game I have played extensively on-line is IL 2 FB but that I also play mainly off-line.

I am not talking about hype I am talking about hardforum buzz ;) No Far Cry hasn´t been hyped as near as much as Stalker perhaps mainly because it started out as a tech demo so people didn´t have much to hype about.

Perhaps Far Cry is the game that will make me go back to fps multiplayer again :)
Do you guys think farcry will run ok on geforce 4 ti 4200 (280/540)? Is this game just eye candy or does have great gameplay? Thanks.

I have so many games to pick up...
Deus Ex 2
Rise of Nations
Armed and Dangerous
Splinter Cell 2 Pandora Tomorrow

Do you think it is better than these? I really don't care about graphics.
Got the demo, nothing special to me. My boss has the full version, and we were playing it yesterday. Still nothing notable aside from the eyecandy.

Gameplay > graphics for me.

Yeah, it's prettyful. But the game itself is simply "ok."
Because BF:V is same lag, same crappy engine, same bugs as BF1942, nothing new there. UT2K4 is just the newest of the unreal installment and Farcry is something fresh. It feels like Half-Life when it came out.

Farcry single player is not quite up to par with Deus Ex(the first) and Half-Life IMO which are my favorites but it's very good. Just the tropical setting makes up for some of that though. And the technology is really amazing. This game has a hell of a lot of potential for mods and such.

It's everything people were expecting from games like HL2, except it actually came out within a reasonable timeframe.
Found the game fun. Switch back and forth between UT2K4. Both these games push the system and like stated earlier is why we invest money in a high end gaming system (to play games like these)! ps early maps runing 766-767mb of ram. This is more than BF. Find mem stat here (you can run log on mem use): http://www.majorgeeks.com/download665.html
When UT2k4 first came out the whole games forum was full of ut2k4.

I'd say that more than half of the whole front page of the forum was about UT2k4.

Buzz = 8 threads on the front page?
Much better then that POS BF: Vietnam and I haven't touched UTk24 since I got Far Cry on Wedsnday. This game definently brings my system to its knee's. I have every setting set max but no AA or AF at 1280x960, and still the game in certain areas just makes my system beg for mercy. On the aircraft carrier during the big battle on deck, I dropped to around 15fps making it very difficult to fight.

This game begs for a R420 or NV40 but until then i'll live
I still have yet to play the second demo. I ran it and saw that it ran a lot better then the first one but hopefully all the bugs and tuning has taken place too or I will not like this game. UT2004 rocks and I think it will stand the test of time better. BFV is terrible in its current state. Hopefully the patches will fix it but it is awful as of right now and I am not even going to attemp to play it until at least a big patch comes out.
Far Cry is pretty. Theres even supposed to be a patch for it TODAY . Awesome single player game. I havnt tried out the multi yet.

EA still hasnt patched BFV and it is in dire need.

I played BFv the first 2 days i had it, and havnt touched it since. Too
laggy, crappy sounds, and um...... the fully automatic railgun called the M60.

BFV has potential, but untill then im stickin with far cry.
I would say ut2k4 is the best out of all those

an excellent game to buy
It's all about the graphics for me, especially on shooters. There is very little replay value on a single player shooter, and they all share the same basic premise, so for me it's the graphics that make them different.
I played FarCry for about 2 days... and I'm done with it.. :/ The gameplay just isn't there. It a fun game, ... for awhile. I'm going to sell it to my friend.

I think the reason people are so in 'awe' is because its the first real FPS of the year to use dx9 so well. It beat hl2 and d3 to the punch, but in time will be forgotten ...
It's all about the graphics for me, especially on shooters. There is very little replay value on a single player shooter, and they all share the same basic premise, so for me it's the graphics that make them different.

All singleplayer fps should be made like deus ex. I must have played through that game at least 5 times.

Do you guys think the second one is worth picking up? I finally have some money to spend.
Originally posted by uB3rn00b3r
All singleplayer fps should be made like deus ex. I must have played through that game at least 5 times.

Do you guys think the second one is worth picking up? I finally have some money to spend.

I don´t know. Deus Ex is the worst fps I have ever played and I have played many. It´s really good in theory though. But I played it like 1-2 years after it came out so that may explain why I wasn´t enjoying it.

Deus Ex 2 I have heard very different opinions about. Some like it a lot some hate it and don´t think it´s Deus Ex.
I don't really consier deus ex to be a standard fps. It is more of an rpg to me. You can play that game however you want, stealth, commando, hacker. The plot is one of my favortes, but KOTOR recently stole that crown.

I am gonna have to buy DX2, hell it is only 30 bux now.
The gameplay and graphics rock in farcry.

I have it and its one of the best games I have played in a LONG time.
Originally posted by oqvist
I don´t know. Deus Ex is the worst fps I have ever played and I have played many. It´s really good in theory though. But I played it like 1-2 years after it came out so that may explain why I wasn´t enjoying it.

You really need you have your head checked. Deus Ex is FPS PERFECTION!

oh and deus ex 2 is a pile of crap made for console kiddies, if you have already played the first you WILL be disapointed by deus ex 2.
Originally posted by SkullE
And you would have been saying the same thing about Halflife 5 years ago when it came out "i dont see whats so special about it, your just going around killing things".

FarCry is the type of game that makes you say "This is what i put thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours of time into my computer for."

On the surface, Yes its just another FPS but graphicaly it uses ALL the special features of your graphics card and it does it flawlessly.

I'm running a AMD 2400+ 1024ram / radeon 9800pro - game at 1280X1024 2xAA 8XAF texture settings in game set to MAX (except shadows) and it doesn't stutter or slow down at all. (about 20-30 fps).

20fps in a game for me is unbearable to play, even 30fps is bad, expecially in a game where you are looking around all the time. maybe its just me though, i know it different for everyone.

Originally posted by Devnull
You really need you have your head checked. Deus Ex is FPS PERFECTION!

oh and deus ex 2 is a pile of crap made for console kiddies, if you have already played the first you WILL be disapointed by deus ex 2.

100% correct.
Originally posted by Devnull
You really need you have your head checked. Deus Ex is FPS PERFECTION!

oh and deus ex 2 is a pile of crap made for console kiddies, if you have already played the first you WILL be disapointed by deus ex 2.

You are all brainwashed copies of J.C Denton :p What appalled me was really the enemy AI, level design and basic stuff really. The Enemy AI was horrendously bad and then I even played the full patched game. And level design with empty streets and crates everywhere where there is no reason for it except for allowing an alternate route or containing weapons and stuff really put me off. It just felt like the developers didn´t cared a bit about making a believable world to be in. You need tons of fantasy to overcome this obstacles I guess or be an insaneable good role player not caring about this basic stuff that other games have made 10 times better 10 years earlier.

But I know I am in a very little minority in this matter :D
Originally posted by IceWind
Much better then that POS BF: Vietnam and I haven't touched UTk24 since I got Far Cry on Wedsnday. This game definently brings my system to its knee's. I have every setting set max but no AA or AF at 1280x960, and still the game in certain areas just makes my system beg for mercy. On the aircraft carrier during the big battle on deck, I dropped to around 15fps making it very difficult to fight.

This game begs for a R420 or NV40 but until then i'll live

I have a suggestion for you. You're running at full details. I'm running at 1280x1024 with most details on low, except for textures and environment which are on high, and water, which is on ultra high. I hardly ever drop below 40 FPS. It doesn't look bad at all with all details on low at 12x10. It certainly looks better than 800x600 with all those details on uber-high.
I dunno whats the big deal over Fry Cry. The frist time I ever even heard about it was when the developer got raided for having suspect pirated versions of 3d Studio Max and Maya. Just so no one thinks im making that up

Any how, Im not a very big single player person when it comes to first person shooters, i'd rather be online playing other people. I happen to like BF:V and have been playing that, and im still playing BF:1942 every now and again. I think Far Cry is a average game with fancy graphics, theres nothing truely "special" about it. Its just another FPS with fancy graphics.

With that said, I'll prepare for the Flameage.
Deus ex in terms of the actual FPS in it SUCKED big time.

what made deus ex stand out and fun was the story arcs, the implants, and more rpg elements in it, the actual shooting it in was so.....generic feeling.
The Reasons posts are the way they are.

There are no posts on BF:V because it sucks.

There are no posts on UT2k4 because everyone is busy playing it.


Farcry 91.3%
UT2k4 94.5%
I agree with Nightmare2 on UT2K4 being a great game. I did not like UT2003 that well but 2004 is a winner in my book. BFV needs patched.
Originally posted by Stiler
Deus ex in terms of the actual FPS in it SUCKED big time.

what made deus ex stand out and fun was the story arcs, the implants, and more rpg elements in it, the actual shooting it in was so.....generic feeling.

Well that explains why I hated it ;) I guess if you expect it to be Baldurs Gate 2 or Diablo you may enjoy it. My fps/rpg hybrid of choice is still System Shock 2 and Morrowind though.

Don´t know why I loved System Shock 2 more than Deus Ex but I think it´s because of the fps part of system shock 2 being so much better and the better atmosphere.
oh and deus ex 2 is a pile of crap made for console kiddies, if you have already played the first you WILL be disapointed by deus ex 2.

I recently picked it up and have been enjoying it pretty well. I will admit it is no Deus Ex but if you sit back and just play it for what it is it is pretty fun. This is the number one reson why I dislike consoles. If it wasn't for the xbox we would have had a true Deus Ex sequel.

Deus Ex 3 is being worked on so maybe it will be a true sequel.
Oh man I just have played my first 15 minutes of Far Cry. I can´t believe what I am seeing and at what frame rates. I have trouble getting below 43 :eek:

Hearing how demanding this game was and it Far Cry autodetects my machine as medium but I up special effects to maximum, water to maximum, lightning to maximum, texture quality to maximum and I am still flying. I got particle effects and shadow to medium since of old experience that is what kills the frame rates right?

And the physics are top notch can´t see Half Life 2 making it much different. Men I am going to have a lot of fun with this one. Works very well as a sandbox game really not only because there is a lot of sand in it.

But what is that lazy weapon option? Also the shader option where you got default, paradize, cold and cartoonish is it like ATI:s smartshader?
Originally posted by specter554
uumm....whats far cry?

Could very well be the GOTY. Who cares if it´s not original it´s the first fps since NOLF 2 that really interests me. Well okay Call of Duty was nice too ;)
Don't proclaim a game that comes out in march, the 3rd month of the year, the GOTY.

9 more to go.
I'm getting Far Cry tomorrow. I was going to wait awhile seeing as I recently got UT4 and Condition Zero but you guys got me too interested in Cry to wait.
The screens looks fine! Hope the gameplay is half as good as it looks!
I'm passing on BF/V as it sounds like it has issues plus I just finished VietCong/ Fist Alpha which was great in my opionion.
I regret getting Condition Zero, can't get into it, hate it.
Unreat Tournament 2k4 is fantastic. I love it and will be playing it a long time. It's a worthy successor to the original UT, unlike UT2K3.
Well, back to UT2K4 for now. It's wonderful when there are more good games to play than there is time to play them.:D
Originally posted by NIGHTMARE2
Don't proclaim a game that comes out in march, the 3rd month of the year, the GOTY.

9 more to go.

Well it take guts with behemoths like Half Life 2 and Doom 3 on it´s way as way as perhaps STALKER as a dark horse :D
if far cry is already getting nominations for game of the year then who's to say that ut2k4 shouldn't also get some considerations for it?

i say it's either ut2k4 or stalker. based on sheer gameplay value.