Far Cry 5 Officially Confirmed

I'll wait till it comes out and see some feedback before I get worked up about it. It is Ubisoft, so I would expect an excellent release trailer, amazing E3 footage, and then a complete graphical downgrade release.
cool. i have enjoyed all of them i have played so far. And primal might have been my favorite as i love the animal hunting aspect of the game more then the human side
Ah a western theme, I don't mind as long as they make it like CoJ: BiB with real gunfights an dual wielding with sawed off shotty's and Colt Peacemakers. ;)

As for FC1 being like Crysis, I don't think so unless you mean both being great games in the beginning and than falling apart torwards the end.

FC1 was a sick game when it came out, before they nerfed the enemy rockets and nades.
No where else could you get the thrill of belly crawling for 40min straight, through the jungle at night, with a 1/4 of your health left, and make it within 10ft of a save point, only to be shot in the back of the head by a randomly spawned enemy from 100yds away with a shotgun, than have to do it all over again, rinse and repeat.

Another good one was driving down the beach and coming out of a bend from the side of a cliff, only to smack right into the path of TWO rockets that were launched 30 sec before you got there. Major wall hacks indeed.

In comparison, Crysis made you feel like you were Iron Man with better bells and whistle's.
I remember playing FC1 when it came out and needing cheats to actually beat it towards the end.