Fallout 3 - Where's my DLC?


Jul 20, 2004
I purchased the Retail box Fallout 3 GOTY with the five DLCs but for the life of me I can't see where they are. I have basically finished the game and done about everything there is to do in the vanilla fallout 3 so I thought I'd start on the DLC. Only problem is I don't know how to access it. I do see the DLC in my Fallout3/data directory but there is nothing on my map showing it when I'm ingame. I heard you may have to be signed into LIVE or some other rubbish, right now I'm just using a local account can't imagine anyone would be stupid enough to make the players have to create a live ID and log in just to play the DLC. Maybe I'm just stupid and overlooking something, but any help would be appreciated.
When you use the F3 launcher click data files and make sure the DLC .esm files are ticked (anchoarge etc).
Yeah, what he said, or you played through it already not realizing it?
Thanks for the replies guys.

Well, I haven't been using the "Launcher" I've been useing a shortcut to "fallout3.exe" because you don't need the cd in the drive. Anyway, I fired up the launcher and checked all the DLC. I went into the game and still nothing. So for the fun of it I look at the achievements in LIVE (I have none because like I said I'm just using a local account) and what I saw were things like "Into the pit - locked", along with all the other DLC. So now I'm wondering if I have to actually be logged onto LIVE online to enable this crap. This isn't life and death and I'll figure it out, but it just annoys me that it isn't as simple as loading the disc and being done with it. And of course the manual says absolutely nothing about anything special you have to do to play the DLC.
something like C program files / WindowsLive, its about 4 or 5 directories in, I had this same problem and it is very annoying.
It turns out I got it by going into the launcher like Maximuss suggested. I didn't know that took care of it because I guess I didn't give it enough time once I got into the game, I figured it would pop up immediately. After I played for about five minutes the quests started popping up. Thanks all for the help!