Failed plot to steal domain name at gunpoint brings 14-year prison term


[H]F Junkie
Dec 19, 2005
Stealing is lame.

"An Iowa man who plotted to steal an Internet domain name at gunpoint was sentenced to 14 years in federal prison yesterday.

Rossi Lorathio Adams II, a former Iowa State University student who ran a social-media platform featuring "images and videos of young adults engaged in crude behavior, drunkenness, and nudity," repeatedly tried to buy the "" domain name from a resident of Cedar Rapids. But Adams refused to pay the domain-name owner's $20,000 asking price—and then things got weird."
And people say Florida Man is crazy.....
Is the holder a domain squatter? Those are the type of people you need to take domains from!
yea, sure, just shoot everyone and anyone ... as long as it's not YOU :cautious: