Fail is doomed

German Muscle

Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 2, 2005
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
1:48 AM - The Kingslayer: are you trying to make me upset?
1:48 AM - The Kingslayer: are you trolling me?
1:48 AM - The Kingslayer: do i have to choke a bitch?
1:50 AM - [H]|G R̶i̶c̶k̶y̶ i speak troof
1:50 AM - The Kingslayer: that will end up w ith shells hitting your chest
1:50 AM - The Kingslayer: and going right out your back, mayn
1:50 AM - The Kingslayer: in CS Source
1:50 AM - [H]|G R̶i̶c̶k̶y̶ ROFL
1:50 AM - [H]|G R̶i̶c̶k̶y̶ are you challenging me to CSS?
1:51 AM - The Kingslayer: you're not good enough to be on the same server as me
1:51 AM - [H]|G R̶i̶c̶k̶y̶ you better go practice
1:51 AM - The Kingslayer: i don't need practice
1:51 AM - The Kingslayer: I say i need practice to make other people feel better
1:51 AM - The Kingslayer: when they get pwned
1:51 AM - [H]|G R̶i̶c̶k̶y̶ when im done with you it will have you re-evaluating your gaming career
1:51 AM - The Kingslayer: if i say i didn't practice
1:52 AM - The Kingslayer: it reveals that i'm on a whole other level
1:52 AM - The Kingslayer: when i'm done with you
1:52 AM - The Kingslayer: you'll feel like a Sandusky victim
1:52 AM - The Kingslayer: with the horseplay in the shower
1:52 AM - [H]|G R̶i̶c̶k̶y̶ doesnt matter you wont show anyways
1:52 AM - [H]|G R̶i̶c̶k̶y̶ your the 3rd person this month to challenge me
1:52 AM - [H]|G R̶i̶c̶k̶y̶ they got shit on
1:53 AM - The Kingslayer: when i take a shit
1:53 AM - The Kingslayer: it looks like your face
1:53 AM - The Kingslayer: in that Neckbeard thread
1:53 AM - [H]|G R̶i̶c̶k̶y̶ even my neckbeard looks pro
1:54 AM - [H]|G R̶i̶c̶k̶y̶ ill have yo get back to you on prices
1:54 AM - [H]|G R̶i̶c̶k̶y̶ as i know when im done with you , you will be begging for lessons
1:54 AM - The Kingslayer: your neckbeard hairs will curl when you get pwned
1:54 AM - The Kingslayer: your mind wil be blown so bad by my skills
1:54 AM - [H]|G R̶i̶c̶k̶y̶ they already curl from being pro
1:54 AM - The Kingslayer: you'll end up like Terry Schiavo
1:54 AM - The Kingslayer: they will have to take you off life support
1:55 AM - The Kingslayer: when i'm done with you'
1:55 AM - The Kingslayer: you'll be asking Dr. Conrad Murary for proporofol
1:55 AM - The Kingslayer: shit son
1:55 AM - [H]|G R̶i̶c̶k̶y̶ your gonna get hammered and you know it
1:55 AM - The Kingslayer: when i'm done with you
1:55 AM - The Kingslayer: Kevorkian will help you commit suicide for free
1:55 AM - The Kingslayer: you'll get body slammed by me like i'm Hulk Hogan
1:56 AM - [H]|G R̶i̶c̶k̶y̶ ill break your neck like a slim jim in a randy savage commercial
1:57 AM - [H]|G R̶i̶c̶k̶y̶ after a few rounds with me your F10 key will be broken
1:57 AM - [H]|G R̶i̶c̶k̶y̶ you will beg for mercy
1:57 AM - The Kingslayer: shit
1:57 AM - The Kingslayer: i will make your ass dispapear like i'm David Copperfield
1:58 AM - [H]|G R̶i̶c̶k̶y̶ youll be calling me houdini for nailing headshots through walls
1:58 AM - [H]|G R̶i̶c̶k̶y̶ when is your next day off?
1:58 AM - [H]|G R̶i̶c̶k̶y̶ saturday?
1:59 AM - [H]|G R̶i̶c̶k̶y̶ already disappearing
1:59 AM - [H]|G R̶i̶c̶k̶y̶ scared already
2:04 AM - The Kingslayer: friday
2:04 AM - The Kingslayer: i'm in a game of league of legends
2:04 AM - The Kingslayer: when i'm done with you, you will call me your master
2:07 AM - [H]|G R̶i̶c̶k̶y̶ friday is your doom
thats some quality shit talk from the two of you. make sure you let us know how it turns out!
You guys will all get owned if I'm there. Better hope I hurt my hand or something.
Im up for kicken all your butts!

/me fires up CSS
I tried to play CSS again, didn't know they redid the engine.

Ricky skeeted on me. :(
I'll likely get pwned, I haven't really played much CSS in the past few months, not since starting up League of Legends in March.

used to be as pro as Revolver Ocelot.
I'll likely get pwned, I haven't really played much CSS in the past few months, not since starting up League of Legends in March.

used to be as pro as Revolver Ocelot.
Id back out to. Match is still on.

For those who want to see fail get shit on feel free to spectate the match. Ill setup a sourcetv for you guys.
I'd rather play in some sort of team setting, I tend to do better there when I can get carried, and you know full well 1 on 1 would be unfair given I can't hear your footsteps.

My friends aren't alone in saying that if only I could hear I would be much better than I already am.
I'd rather play in some sort of team setting, I tend to do better there when I can get carried, and you know full well 1 on 1 would be unfair given I can't hear your footsteps.

My friends aren't alone in saying that if only I could hear I would be much better than I already am.
LOL You really dont want to assemble teams. I can bet you that youll get rocked. Everyone does better when carried.

ill put it on music for you. Doesnt matter to me. Result would be the same if i i was playing music and my monitor was off.

ROFL at backpeddling!
I don't really care honestly, I just enjoyed talking smack, that was really fun.

I'd own your ass at games that actually matter, like TF2 and League of Legends.

It's retardedly easy to kill someone in CS Source when you can hear their footsteps and they can't hear yours.
hahaah. what time friday? i wanna spectate!

id guess around 9PM EST. I hope he shows up. :D

I don't really care honestly, I just enjoyed talking smack, that was really fun.

I'd own your ass at games that actually matter, like TF2 and League of Legends.

It's retardedly easy to kill someone in CS Source when you can hear their footsteps and they can't hear yours.

Yeah Hat Similator 2 is a game that matters.....

I told you i would mute the game and listen to music.

Be ready for this fail.
How do I know you'll mute the game and put on music?

I have no control over whether the game is muted for me or not, since even with sound on, I won't be able to hear footsteps.

To be honest, I'm not gonna play you 1 on 1 at CS Source, I don't roll like that, sorry.
How do I know you'll mute the game and put on music?

I have no control over whether the game is muted for me or not, since even with sound on, I won't be able to hear footsteps.

To be honest, I'm not gonna play you 1 on 1 at CS Source, I don't roll like that, sorry.

I can include that in the demo.

GJ on pussing out of your own challenge.
I can include that in the demo.

GJ on pussing out of your own challenge.

GJ on leaving out the part in our conversation before the stuff you pasted where you insulted my choice of game in League of Legends.

You were seriously trolling me hard on that, so I trolled you hard on CS Source.

I knew you'd run to the forums with this shit, that's why it's so funny to see you get worked up on it.

I have about 330 hours of CS Source under my belt, but I haven't played much of it since March, when I started playing League of Legends. I tried playing it a little bit on and off over the summer, but I, quite frankly, noticed a huge dive in my skills from such a long layoff, that I abandoned it entirely. For some reason that doesn't apply to TF2, I'm still pretty good at that game.

But hey, you're about a year late in challenging me, I consider this matter closed, unless you'd like to try me at League of Legends.
GJ on leaving out the part in our conversation before the stuff you pasted where you insulted my choice of game in League of Legends.

You were seriously trolling me hard on that, so I trolled you hard on CS Source.

I knew you'd run to the forums with this shit, that's why it's so funny to see you get worked up on it.

I have about 330 hours of CS Source under my belt, but I haven't played much of it since March, when I started playing League of Legends. I tried playing it a little bit on and off over the summer, but I, quite frankly, noticed a huge dive in my skills from such a long layoff, that I abandoned it entirely. For some reason that doesn't apply to TF2, I'm still pretty good at that game.

But hey, you're about a year late in challenging me, I consider this matter closed, unless you'd like to try me at League of Legends.

Sorry i cant pull up steam messages that were closed. You had no idea "i would run to the forums with this shit". Im not getting worked up at all. Im still talking shit and your backing out.

If you honestly think i get my jollies off 1v1 some deaf guy in CSS then you need to think again. I could give shit less if i loose or win. Just wanting to play with some other [H] people on [H] servers. This seemed like a good way to get other people interested. The reason it doesnt apply to TF2 is because it requires much less skill to play.
I knew you would come here with this thread, that's why my smack talk was so good. I had no real intention of CSS 1 on 1, when I can't hear footsteps.

As such, I consider this matter closed. Thanks for playing.
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I knew you would come here with this thread, that's why my smack talk was so good. I had no real intention of CSS 1 on 1, when I can't hear footsteps.

As such, I consider this matter closed. Thanks for playing.

isn't there some sort of visual interface you could port the audio to? hmmmmm
in fairness, it would take time to develop such an interface...I'm thinking an arduino driving rgb LEDs placed so he can distinguish type of sound by color, proximity by brightness and position by, well, position.

Why hasn't anyone done this yet?

sorry to barge in on the smack talk, as entertaining as that was
in fairness, it would take time to develop such an interface...I'm thinking an arduino driving rgb LEDs placed so he can distinguish type of sound by color, proximity by brightness and position by, well, position.

Why hasn't anyone done this yet?

sorry to barge in on the smack talk, as entertaining as that was

or a hearing device?