Facebook Eases Ban on Crypto Ads - Crypto Rejoices


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
I was reading Reuters this morning that Facebook is pulling back some on its cryptocurrency advertising ban. It will now allow pre-approved advertisers to hawk their crypto wares Facebook. You can argue that choice all you want, but Facebook can advertise anything it wants to within reason, so let them deal with the fallout on that.

Then I go this press release in my mailbox just now:

Facebook’s lifting of its controversial Bitcoin ban will prove to be another catalyst for the unstoppable cryptocurrency revolution, affirms the boss of one of the world’s largest independent financial services organizations.

Nigel Green, founder and CEO of deVere Group, is speaking out after the social media and tech giant on Wednesday reversed its ban on cryptocurrency adverts, triggering further speculation that it might be planning something big in the crypto space. The ban was introduced in January amid concerns that adverts were being used for illicit purposes.

Mr Green says: “The lifting of this controversial ban must be welcomed. Whilst we respect Facebook’s good intentions behind prohibiting the adverts, an outright ban on new concepts and innovation is seldom a positive or helpful stance.

“With the social media giant taking this proactive step, which is fuelling global speculation that it could now also have its own crypto ambitions, I believe history will show that this decision to lift the ban will prove to be another catalyst for the unstoppable cryptocurrency revolution.”

He continues: “The crypto market has been in bear territory over the last week or so. Facebook’s step can be expected to help take it back towards the bulls.

Apparently some in the crypto market are seeing this as a huge win and think that Facebook ads alone can reverse the downward trend that we have been watching now in regards to cryptocurrency. That makes Facebook in command of a fairly huge part of the crypto market.
Well, I am retired from the banking industry, and the deVere Group arrived kinda "late in the game" so to speak - being established at the beginning of this century. We used to roll our eyes almost anytime they opened their mouths.
Its Facebook's platform they can advertise what they want, sure show people (not me I add block that shit) links to currency exchanges and supplies or info about a new or old or what ever coin, no harm there the interested people will click the others will move on. You let them crank the CPU so they can mine in the background with out proper consent and there will be a useless verbal beat down the likes of which we probably herd last week but then forgot about I tell you what!
There's a sucker born every minute.

Bridges in Arizona and all the free lunch.........
Waiting for the inevitable crypto-crash. Stuff of science fiction only this time it's for real.
Let them dig their own grave.

IMHO crypto is just another example of " can't see the forest through the trees ..."

I just can't see how threatening the US Federal Reserve is a smart thing to do.

The US Government gave Zuckerberg a very clear warning but perhaps he's too far gone to heed it.
even though i personally don't use facebook... this---> #deletefacebook
Someone commented on another thread that this was no different than advertising supplements, car chips, or books on tantric goat yoga.

I disagree. If a nuclear winter comes, I can burn the book to stay warm, eat the food supplements, and glue the car chip to my forehead and call myself a cyborg. All of this thanks to Facebook.

P.S. I am not using my above comments to judge people who peacefully practice tantric goat yoga, provided they use consenting goats.
Nothing says "legit" like needing to advertise on social media to keep the value of your product up. You don't see euros, dollars, yuan or pesos on there. Or advertising to purchase individual stocks, for that matter.
Does that mean we have to endure more of those stupid James Altucher “crypto genius” ads?
Look at all this negativity XD
This site is old. And so are people who frequent these forums.
Old people don't like change.
It's really daytraders more than having to do with crypto.

Don't feed the gremlins after dark, don't let the day traders post about crypto on facebook.