Fable and X2


Apr 2, 2005
I just installed my new X2 4400+ and tried out some games. Fable runs a lot smoother than my old system(A64 3200+) and it shows up in the task manager as using both cores. When running the game both cores hover below 50%. None of the other games I've trying do that, they all show just one core being used.

Does anyone else have it that can check? Does Fable support dual core? I can't find it saying that anywhere and you'd think that if it did the marketing guys would have spread that news far and wide.
I don't think it's dual core supported.

Microsoft cut/pasted it from the xbox to the pc.
when a program is on low - normal priority windows splits it between cores but you dont get a performance advantage.. As you move the priority up though it shifts it more and more over to just one core.
mrtheshaggy said:
I don't think it's dual core supported.

Microsoft cut/pasted it from the xbox to the pc.

That makes me sad because i was really hopping that they would at least add some stuff :(
SoulflyFan said:
That makes me sad because i was really hopping that they would at least add some stuff :(

They added 1/3 more content and tweaked the graphics and interface to suite the PC a bit more. I don't know why he said they just cut and pasted it.
anything lower then 50% in taskman, you are not really seeing much of a performance advantage.
Cabezone said:
They added 1/3 more content and tweaked the graphics and interface to suite the PC a bit more. I don't know why he said they just cut and pasted it.

The lost chapters is not a pc version. It is an xbox version as well. It just got released on pc first.

As for the graphics. The graphics look a little better on the new xbox version too. Nothing is tweaked for PC.

My 32mb 5200go on my lappy runs this game on maxed settings.
mrtheshaggy said:
The lost chapters is not a pc version. It is an xbox version as well. It just got released on pc first.

As for the graphics. The graphics look a little better on the new xbox version too. Nothing is tweaked for PC.

My 32mb 5200go on my lappy runs this game on maxed settings.

Yes, but it looked like you were referring to the origional Fable when you said it was cut and pasted from the Xbox.
get the new 80.xx series nvidia drivers, those are dual core optimized drivers, you WILL get a performance boost with those
it's rumored those drivers reduce image quality to boost frame rates also?
no i can verify they do not. They boost frame rates by using both cores. There not gonna make a whole lot of difference if you don't have a dual core, but if you do you will see a huge increase, were talking, like i got a 1500 point boost in 3dmark05. Head on over to
w w w. g u r u 3 d . c o m

and read up on them, Everybody is praising them up and down, even people without dual cores saying IQ is much better and games are running better for them