F/S Lexar 256mb Jumpdrive

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Jun 21, 2004
Like it says in the subject, I have a Lexar Media, 256mb Jumpdrive for sale. 46$ on Newegg brandnew. Will include the apps that are on it (Dreamweaver PRO, Panda Antivirus, ect.) All for the low low price of 30$ plus like, 5$ for shipping!
I dont think its the USB 2.0 version no, but honestly its not that big of a difference. You cant put a big enough file on it to make it take long enough to tell in transfer speed.
p.s. yes you can put it on your keychain :)
What's the deal with the apps that are on it?? Explain. PM if needed.
The apps I am talking about are just some programs that I have on the Jumpdrive already. I could just delete them, but I figured I'd be nice and share :)
BumP fOr mE! ;)
i cannot accept any emails, if you want this, please pm me. i cant get my st00pid spam filter to stop -- stopping stuff i dont want it to lol. so just pm me if you want this thing.
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