F.E.A.R Story.

Isaacav2 said:
Well I just got done playing the demo with my half Japanese 20 year old school girl wife and we had a whole lot of fun. It was a new experience having her move the mouse and me move the charictor. I got the tip from this thread and thaught I would try it out. Its funny because she did not find the game scary at all. Not even the little girl. She just said " I see someone" then I walk over " Oh, I thaught I did." LOL. She didn't have the reflexes to shoot a whole clip in her like everyone else in the forum. Then a little later "I see something ... Where did she go?" I don't know if this sounds funny but I was ROLLING. We managed to get past the first set of gaurds at the door, but we didn't make it very far into the demo, we died at the bigger fight in the hallway. It was hard trying to tell her where to look, but it was quite to my surprise the way things turned out. Of course you'd have to know my wife to understand why she was giggling like a little girl the whole time. All in all we had fun, and I will be buying the game. Now that I softend that idea up for her ;)

I don't know if I make sence, but I'm going to bed.

Your wife sounds like a very nice person. She deserves your respect. Maybe start by not talking about her like you were describing something rather then someone.
Shakezilla said:
my girlfried is easily scared so we played through it(her aiming me moving and she had my headphones on) she got so pissed at me for gettign her scared especially


on the ladder

haha.. I jumped at that part, so I loaded the level slightly before that and let my fiancee take over... she's a seasoned deathmatch player and immediately starts running and flying through the level.. Before I could fully explain to hit use when you get to the ladder, she instead, jumps down, 1-shots the enemies below and misses the entire scary part... I was like.. aww wtf, you didn't hit the use key.... so she missed the whole part, put down the headphones, yawned and said boring... damnit... :(
dad11345 said:
Your wife sounds like a very nice person. She deserves your respect. Maybe start by not talking about her like you were describing something rather then someone.

Thank you for being so nice, but don't worry. We like to have our fun ;) and the last thing I would ever do intentinally is degrade my wife. I'll tell her a little story and she will giggle like a little Japanease school girl. (Witch is the reason why I married her :p :)

Please remember that I am not stupid as to do something that only idiots would do. I was thinking more of a picture in a fashonable Kimono. Or a S G outfit :eek:

I finished the demo on the hardest setting without getting hit much. I'm going to have withdrawls, I am psyked for this game!!
i thought the atmosphere in doom3 was great at first... it just stayed the same the entire game. closet monsters are scary on occasion, but not for 12 hours straight. I was pretty freaked out in the begining when the demons are first released. Half of that probably had to do with the difficulty being on max and me being a really poor fps player. knowing that all hell is breaking loose (literally) and they are prolly gonna whoop your ass can get the juices flowing ;P

dunno why some ppl said hl2 was scary. it doesn't seem to me that is what they are even aiming for. some creepy music and stuff but mostly to add tension. the headcrabs scare me though - i scream like a girl when there is alot of them coming at me all at once. i dun wanna lose my brains :(
Karafias said:
closet monsters are scary on occasion, but not for 12 hours straight.

Gay monsters are always scary. Stay away.

P.S.: See my earlier posts
OuTLaWzSm said:
I just d/l'ed the demo, installed it watched the into movies played it and then when you get into the pipes below and the lights flicker. I was like "whats this all about", I was really getting nervous, until I see this figure walk across and I'm like what the hell is that thing. I walk some more and the lights flicker and then i see the little girl, HOLY crap she scared me outta my seat even though the lights in my room are on and I'm eating a piece of carrot cake. I immediately pressed ESC and uninstalled the game, long story short, I don't plan on buying this game, Im a scaredy cat.

well, i guess the game works, developers must be jumping with joy.