F.E.A.R Probs


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 3, 2005
there is a lot of stops and starts when i play the single player version. i have the patch. i am running xp pro sp2, all possible updates. latest nvidia whql. i forget exactly what my settings in the game are, but 1600x1200 at pretty much maximum everything except soft shadows and fsaa. when i run the test, i get 0% under 25fps, 8% between 25-40fps and 92% over 40fps. i have tried with vsync on and off. nothing running in background. ethernet cable yanked. wireless disabled. no temp probs. i am running the system in the sig, except i have been using an opteron 144 @ 3ghz. quake4 and cod2 demo run ok. thanx in advance for any help.
for what its worth (which is not much honestly) i've had the same problems. I'm assuming you mean the random drops to 1-2 fps for a couple secs. I've tried lowering the volumetric lighting, turning off hardware sound acceleration...still does it. I dont know what to tell you :confused:
yea I know what you mean i used fraps and i tried renaming the ,exe all it did was kinda keep it leveled around 50 in some areas than jumps to like 80 in others and there is a few parts were its like 15 fps
i got p4 3.0ghz E prescott 478 1gb pc2700 IDE ATA 133 40 gig maxtor

i know i need a new HD and a 2GB DDR 400 kit but i barely hear the HD spin upi upgraded from a p4 1.8 then to 2.4ghz 2 days ago i got a deal ona prescott and this game loves 3ghz its like it was tested for it so i know cpu is good and iam running a x800xl
it should be smooth not jump around like in other games i get like between 60 to 80 fps in BF2 at 1290x960 or whatever with everthing on high 4x AA anyways i don;t even have HT enable either on my cpu maybe that would make a difference but iam running win2k anyways
i will try it again tommrow when my copy of xp pro comes in
i have heard that you pretty much need 2gb ram for bf2, but i havent heard/read this anywhere for F.E.A.R. i dont see much disk swapping either. i have tried with my pagefile on my system drives and on my data drives, and all different sizes. the prob is not really stuttering, say i am just walking up a hallway, no combat, nothing moving except "me", the game will stop for a second or less, then when it starts i will be a couple steps up the hallway. i know it sometimes slows down when it saves a checkpoint, but it does this all the time. its really annoying, and too bad, because otherwise its great game. i havent tried sierra/monolith customer service yet because all you usually get is " update drivers/bios/vsync on-off/lower your sound quality/lower your vid quality" type stuff.
i just got 2 gigs a couple weeks ago BF2 definately needs

Fear Runs 100% better the problems i had before have disappeared !!!
so 2 gigs helps out recommend it
Whenever I run FEAR with maximum textures, there is MASSIVE disk-swapping going on (goes right up to the max limit), but my stuttering problems only happen whenever I go around corners, not when I go straight down a hall, so it sounds like you may have a different problem. I have read on a couple of different forums, though, that 2GB of ram does fix this problem for many people, but doesn't for others. It might have something to do with your memory controller.
Well im running 2 Gigs and just for shits and grins i dropped in another 2 Gigs out of my buddies system and i can tell a difference with 4 gigs, And that aint no joke. Now i need a new mobo that can run 1T with all 4 banks populated.
go to tweakguides.com and read the tweak guide for it. running at 1600x1200?! holy shit! i'd say that is obviously your #1 problem. read the read me to, even the developers say to run it at lower resolutions and turn up the AA. i mean, seriously HOLY SHIT! although it might look crappy on your monitor at any other resolution, idk, i game at 800x600 2xAA all medium and i around 40-50fps in SP. about that test they have to test your video settings, it doesn't give a good image of real gameplay because it's lacking the AI calculations hence it drop performance in SP mode. i got the same exact results from that test (but im at medium settings, etc.) and i still go 40-50fps. very taxing game, i'm still at awe from that resolution. :eek:
TheJackal said:
go to tweakguides.com and read the tweak guide for it. running at 1600x1200?! holy shit! i'd say that is obviously your #1 problem. read the read me to, even the developers say to run it at lower resolutions and turn up the AA. i mean, seriously HOLY SHIT! although it might look crappy on your monitor at any other resolution, idk, i game at 800x600 2xAA all medium and i around 40-50fps in SP. about that test they have to test your video settings, it doesn't give a good image of real gameplay because it's lacking the AI calculations hence it drop performance in SP mode. i got the same exact results from that test (but im at medium settings, etc.) and i still go 40-50fps. very taxing game, i'm still at awe from that resolution. :eek:

With his setup, I don't think 1600x1200 would be that much of a problem. From what I've gathered, his problem isn't framerate drops, but periodic "pauses" in the game. Many others have had similar issues with pauses in FEAR, including myself.
PWMK2 said:
With his setup, I don't think 1600x1200 would be that much of a problem. From what I've gathered, his problem isn't framerate drops, but periodic "pauses" in the game. Many others have had similar issues with pauses in FEAR, including myself.

oh, i thought i saw he had a x800xl :p i just looked at the sig, sli 7800GTX? fuck, nvm. ;)
vanilla_guerilla said:
there is a lot of stops and starts when i play the single player version. i have the patch. i am running xp pro sp2, all possible updates. latest nvidia whql. i forget exactly what my settings in the game are, but 1600x1200 at pretty much maximum everything except soft shadows and fsaa. when i run the test, i get 0% under 25fps, 8% between 25-40fps and 92% over 40fps. i have tried with vsync on and off. nothing running in background. ethernet cable yanked. wireless disabled. no temp probs. i am running the system in the sig, except i have been using an opteron 144 @ 3ghz. quake4 and cod2 demo run ok. thanx in advance for any help.

I'm running FEAR on the computer in my sig and i have textures on medium. I tried turning it on maximum just for giggles and left task manager running while i played, and i kept getting the same pauses you described, but i didn't hear my hard drive going crazy. However, when i check the task manager after playing i saw that my peak memory usage was over a gig. I did the same thing with medium textures, and the pausing stopped and my peak memory usage was under a gig. So, personally, i think if you get more RAM it'll definitely help.