F.E.A.R. May Be Better Then HL2 & Doom 3 Combined.....

So I finally watched the video when I got some time...

Lord have mercy this looks hot...

I'm still cheesing over the double kick on that dude, then shooting him with the shotgun while in midair. That was nicely done. The screenies do the game no justice, watch the movie. It's worth the 13 minutes.
Yeah, the movie is just wow. Some people don't like the amount smoke and debrie in the air, but I think it looks good. Also, some of the shots where the guy is shooting up at someone as they run, taking out all the glass, then finally hitting him and falls off the edge, totally action packed. Those stealth guys looked pretty cool, some actuall variety in enemies. The dialog was from that support guy in the bloody room was pretty funny.

If you dled the video, and only the first half, it's the second half that gets really creepy.
oqvist said:
It already looks way better than Doom 3 you have to watch the videos ;)
I have watched them and I can't come to a conclusion by watching low resolution videos. It does look good though from what I can make out.
This game looks awesome!

I wonder how the online play will be... if there is any, that is...
It looks good, it has its own pluses against HL2 (like the bullet time). The thing I like about HL2 is the character detail and the atmosphere. Especially in stalker, it just seems real. Some of the characters in this game are cartoonish, but it still looks cool.
Anybody like the conversation between the characters? That's REAL conversation! I love it already!
heatseeker said:
Anybody like the conversation between the charactors? That's REAL conversation! I love it already!


"sup, you must be the new guy?"
"I hear you a bad mother fucker"
"i hope it's true"

"what do you think holiday?"

"i think some nasty shit happened here."

"that's great, got anything useful to add?"

"there's a lot of anger in this room."


"yo man get off mah dick"

......i hope it isn't all like that, there's a difference between cussing for realism sakes, and cussing to simply cuss, this takes the latter.
Stiler said:
......i hope it isn't all like that, there's a difference between cussing for realism sakes, and
cussing to simply cuss, this takes the latter.
i dont know, i swear all the time, that didn't sound like a far fetched conversation to me. i hate when games refuse to swear when you know anyone in the real situation would have swore.
oh jeez guys that's alot of bullets, you should duck, oh my, oh no there's a grenade.
bullshit, if a grenade lands beside me i'll be swearing up a storm
ECM said:
And Tron 3.0...*sob*

Yeah Tron 2.0 have had the best graphics in any game ever and really the only weak spot was those hard bosses. I hate bosses with 10000 hitpoints it take weeks to kill.
Anyone have a link to the video? The only one I can find is a 36 second long WMV.
FEAR looks great, but I don't think it looks better than D3, and it comes nowhere close to D3's lighting.
From what I see it crushes Doom 3:s lightning and physics engine :). I really don´t see in what area the Doom 3 engine really competes. Shadows perhaps hard to say from videos.
when is this game coming out for the PC? i wish they released a demo sometime... like today lol
The 13 minute video is on gamespot...fileplanet only has some lame 30 second clip for some reason. You'll have to stream the one on gamespot if you're not a member, but it's reasonably good quality.

My favorite part is where the guy on the radio says, "We're starting to get some interference here...what is that?" And then the light in the room in front of you goes out, and then the light next to that, and the light upstairs...it's predictable, but extremely effective.
Glad to see monolith back in the running :)

myself I always loved Blood...so id love to have another blood game...and of course shogo kicked ass....

Wish theyd revamp redneck rampage :D
kuyaglen said:
Seems like someone at Monolith watches Elfen Lied.

I had seen the video before Elfen Lied was released, but now that you mension it I do see a connection. :D
firtol88 said:
Looks good

I'll probbably buy it just because they did such a good job on AVP2.

Lets just hope the MP has better netcoding than AvP2 :p
I have 3 "large" movies of it, totalling 349mb.

I forgot where I got them though.

(on 56k, or i'd upload them to someone to host)

the filenames are:

If this is the one on gamespot, and you don't want to stream it, you could just use a "stream catcher" program to d/l the stream instead.

Like ASF recorder or Net Transport.
Akuma said:
I had seen the video before Elfen Lied was released, but now that you mension it I do see a connection. :D
When I saw that little girl, Elfen Lied was the first thing I thought..
Anyway, the video was great, now I'm really looking forward to this game!
SawBone said:
When I saw that little girl, Elfen Lied was the first thing I thought..
Anyway, the video was great, now I'm really looking forward to this game!

Not to mention that people just are dismembered by a seemingly invisible force... not unlike Elfen Lied at all.
Does anyone here besides me notice the girl standing on the corner of the elevator? I think it happens when the player is on the elevator then the lights blink. You see the girl for a split second then she dissapears. If the video was a higher resolution you would definitely see her, and boy was it freaking scary to see that little girl on the same elevator then disappear like that. I expected something scary to happen when the elvator door opened, but that whole lights blinking little girl showing up to scare you elevator suddenly about to fall to your death just takes the cake :D
Noodle Boy said:
Does anyone here besides me notice the girl standing on the corner of the elevator? I think it happens when the player is on the elevator then the lights blink. You see the girl for a split second then she dissapears. If the video was a higher resolution you would definitely see her, and boy was it freaking scary to see that little girl on the same elevator then disappear like that. I expected something scary to happen when the elvator door opened, but that whole lights blinking little girl showing up to scare you elevator suddenly about to fall to your death just takes the cake :D

There are total of about 4 spots you see this girl. Then the finaly cutscene of course. The elevator part is pretty creepy, but that one part, man does that give you a jolt. Don't spoil it for anyone.
F.E.A.R and TES 4: Oblivion and Bioshock is all games I have on ignore list since I already know I will be buying them I don´t want to know to much about them :). It can really ruin games like F.E.A.R and Bioshock though Oblivion I think it´s hard to ruin with spoilers unless it´s about the main quest of course.
If you guys want to see the good quality videos, sign up for a free gamespot account and download video 5. Everything is a lot more clear and detailed compared to the streamed videos. I can't wait for this game to come out now.
Milez6 said:
do you suck at gaming so much you have to cheat? or do you just get bored. Not to be a jerk but honestly thats sad. :rolleyes:

Who cares if someone cheats in a videogame? It's not like the outcome will affect what happens in the real world. :rolleyes:
Sly said:
I really wish they'd make Shogo 2 :(

SHOGO M.A.D. got me into online multiplayer. awsome concept, either battle it out man v man or in huge mech type things! :D
I actually have big hopes for Duke Nukem Forever. I think it will be a surprise hit because everybody expect it to plain suck :D