F.E.A.R. 2 Banned in Australia

I'm so glad I don't live down under. No offence Australians, but your country is flat out stupid when it comes to censorship.
Censorship is the ham fisted approach to keeping people in the dark. Stupid Australian government...
anyone in aus looking for this game or any other available in the US I would be more than willing to help you get the title.

This is B.S. that any country would ban the sale of a video game.

I would only require that you pay for the game and shipping.
Just what is NOT banned in Australia? Oh, and thank you Pansytralia for forcing your retarded censorship onto my Fallout 3!

Because morphine is just so fucking ofensive vs cannibalism and such... Retards :rolleyes:
Now kangaroos don’t have to worry about rebellious teens in robotic suits scorching the Outback with futuristic weapons….
It would be mighty uncomfortable flying from the US to Australia with a copy of FEAR 2 hidden up your ass.
Hey, they just don't want to encourage all the insane, psychic little girls to go on murderous rampages. It's for the good of the people!
They also pay about $100 per game! It's a bad place to be a gamer...

So can I if I don't shop online... I'm up in Nunavut Canada... the fricken arctic! Our retailer sells games for 100-120 for new releases... even dvds are $50
As far as I know, Australians are 100 times less pansy than Americans. I don't have a huge sample size, but I knew three, personally. I don't understand how Australia can have such game stomping censorship when it has the most un-pansy population...
As far as I know, Australians are 100 times less pansy than Americans. I don't have a huge sample size, but I knew three, personally. I don't understand how Australia can have such game stomping censorship when it has the most un-pansy population...

Leadership usually never reflects the population.
As far as I know, Australians are 100 times less pansy than Americans. I don't have a huge sample size, but I knew three, personally. I don't understand how Australia can have such game stomping censorship when it has the most un-pansy population...

We have the useless OFLC to thank for that, and a prudish South Australian attorney general who thinks that not having an R18+ rating on games so adults can enjoy adult content some how protects children and families....go figure :rolleyes:

That being the case, how the hell did Deadspace make it through the classification process without being banned.....has to be one of the most graphic games I have ever played.
Man. Australian gamers must be pissed right now...

How much would it cost to mail something to Australia?
Just what is NOT banned in Australia? Oh, and thank you Pansytralia for forcing your retarded censorship onto my Fallout 3!

Because morphine is just so fucking ofensive vs cannibalism and such... Retards :rolleyes:

I hear ya mate! The censorship laws here are just fucking crazy. Rest assured that the clowns in charge are in no way representative of the average Aussie though - there's a compulsory labotomy when you enter the upper echelons of government. ;)

BTW, I wouldn't call the average Aussie a retard though, could be hazardous to your health...;)

It would be mighty uncomfortable flying from the US to Australia with a copy of FEAR 2 hidden up your ass.

Better to stay the hell away from the collector's edition with lunchbox then :D

They also pay about $100 per game! It's a bad place to be a gamer...

They're not scared to charge over here. When the Aussie $ was almost 1:1 with the US $ in the beginning of the year, they still charged like $100 per game. Now that it's like $0.60US per AU$1, it seems a bit more fair.

anyone in aus looking for this game or any other available in the US I would be more than willing to help you get the title.

This is B.S. that any country would ban the sale of a video game.

I would only require that you pay for the game and shipping.

Mighty generous offer Tokey! Might just take you up on that - let's see what the reviews say.
Mighty generous offer Tokey! Might just take you up on that - let's see what the reviews say.

I am a gamer too I would be rather upset if i could not get a game i have been waiting on because some douchebag federal office thinks its too offensive.

Just because you sit behind a desk doesnt mean you know what i should and shouldnt be able to play/see.

I make this offer because Pc gamers are my brethren.
From Gamespot.com:

"The violence is considered highly impactful in such scenes as where Michael uses his sub machine gun to explicitly bisect an enemy, the two parts of the body lying separately on the ground, with copious blood spray. There are also a number of explicit close range decapitations involving both human and mutant creatures. The decapitations are the result of close-up throat slashing from behind and close-up gunshots to the throat," the Board report says.

"All violence results in large blood spray: there are blood-stained interiors and blood sprays onto objects, including the camera lens. With weapons such as sniper rifles, bodies can be torn apart at close range, limbs are seen flying off and the wounded flesh is reduced to a bloody pulp. The use of nail-guns pins victims to a wall before they fall to the ground in a bloody mass. The scenes often have blood soaked walls and floors and the victims’ bodies do not always disappear."