Eyestrain with new 670 GTX =)


Fully [H]
Jun 7, 2008
I was pretty happy with my 550 ti but I plugged in my 670 GTX everything looks nicer but after a while my eyes start feeling funky so I adjusted the screen settings went into Game Mode on my ASUS which made everything pop out the strain was lessened.

I only play games 1-2 days a week but man I hope I can use my 670 GTX otherwise I might have to go back to the 550ti. I use a CRT for everything else during the week while not gaming.

I already have a Antec Bias light which helps for the most part I know for a fact it helps except that it's led.

#1 So I'm wondering do you think this is Driver related

#2 Just my eyes

#3 Or The enhanced graphics of the card might just take some time to get used to.
I would say #2, and consequently #3. Might also be the monitor, you could just be used to CRT.
Why would there be any difference in the output? Unless you changed something in the display settings, it will be exactly the same. It sounds like you changed the mode on your monitor more than anything, most of them have several settings like theater, game, natural, etc. If it has an OSD check what your settings are.
I was pretty happy with my 550 ti but I plugged in my 670 GTX everything looks nicer but after a while my eyes start feeling funky so I adjusted the screen settings went into Game Mode on my ASUS which made everything pop out the strain was lessened.

I only play games 1-2 days a week but man I hope I can use my 670 GTX otherwise I might have to go back to the 550ti. I use a CRT for everything else during the week while not gaming.

I already have a Antec Bias light which helps for the most part I know for a fact it helps except that it's led.

#1 So I'm wondering do you think this is Driver related

#2 Just my eyes

#3 Or The enhanced graphics of the card might just take some time to get used to.

what games are you playing thats making this happen? sounds like the card is fine and the extra eye candy and high graphical settings are making your eyes have a fit
Longshot but could it be the older card didn't allow WxH @ nHz and now the new card does and the eyes can't take nHz?

It's a long shot and I would imagine the 550 would support nHz.
Yeah I have no idea my eyes have always been like this WHEN Up-grading n stuff this is the reason why I still use a CRT. I tried using a LED LCD the entire week and my eyes couldn't take it At work that is which is bright retail lights.

I found after I give my eyes a rest they get back to normal after 1 entire day of rest.
The reasoning why I only play games 1-2 nights a week but I use a LED LCD for gaming regular LCDs with Floresant tubes were murder on my eyes and system I started to blank out and stuff.
" I use a CRT for everything else during the week while not gaming "
what is the refresh rate on the CRT?
I went from a 1600x1200 @ 85hz CRT to a 1920x1200 @60hz LCD, I had some of the same problems you are going through until I adjusted.
Hopefully I can adjust in the new few weeks I think I had some problems with my 550ti when I first got it too just not as bad.
120hz is needed for lcd or you get eyestrain.
the frequency at 60hz requires a lot more of your focus and some are sensitive to it.
Today its simply not possible for me to use 60hz, its just to slow.
120hz is needed for lcd or you get eyestrain.
the frequency at 60hz requires a lot more of your focus and some are sensitive to it.
Today its simply not possible for me to use 60hz, its just to slow.

I lol'd quite hard on this one.:rolleyes:
Try turning down the brightness, especially if you're in a dark room. Also, if you don't have Vsync on, try turning it on, maybe you're having an issue with screen tearing because your new card is much faster.
Eyes hurt more with lcd than crt?....I have bad memories of crt eye strain. Lcd's don't flicker, hence why you don't need 85hz refresh rates.

As for your problem: vsync? Trying to run 3d without glasses?.
I'll look into a higher HZ monitor but can't find one that is priced where I might snag one to try out.
These problems are hard to figure out. LCDs don't blank like a CRT, so there is no refresh flicker regardless of the refresh rate. All that affects is fluidity of motion, and that is contingent on your frame rate too. Modern backlighting doesn't usually have flicker issues either. Even with PWM dimming, the flicker rate is higher than most any CRT refresh. Excess brightness can cause eye strain too. The problem here is that none of this is contingent on your video card. Upgrading it shouldn't cause any more or less eye strain.

You stated this happens every time you upgrade, which doesn't make any sense. You might just be doing it to yourself. You expect eye strain after upgrading your video card, so you get eye strain. The human brain is very good at screwing around with what you see, or what you think you see.
Do you have any fluorescent lights? Sometimes they can flicker at the same rate as the LCD and cause problems.
One of the most annoying things I noticed when I first used a LCD, is the change in brightness on parts of the screen when you move your head even slightly. I'm still not entirely used to it, could be causing eyestrain. And if there were 24-inch, 1080p, flat CRT's, I would buy one immediately!!! :)
It is a shot in the dark, as your problem seems a bit odd, but try running f.lux http://stereopsis.com/flux/ it is a small program that changes the color temperature of the LCD screen to match the colors available at the given time of the day.

I have no idea if it has any effect, but it is worth a try.
These problems are hard to figure out. LCDs don't blank like a CRT, so there is no refresh flicker regardless of the refresh rate.

Actually there is, but it's not related to the LCD refresh rate but to LCD backlight modulation.
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120hz will make no difference over 60hz on an LCD as for as eyestrain goes. Flopper is joking or clueless.

I assume you are.
world of difference between 120-60hz.
Its demonstratable to people who has no issue with eyesight.
now the Op might not have that issue since it might be the card and drivers but using a crt and then go lcd is huge difference in technology.
Dont understand people who think they know when they clearly dont.
Generally 60Hz should NOT cause eyestrain on an LCD. Also highly unlikely the graphics card is playing a role, though it is odd this started happening after switching cards.

If you are having eyestrain with an LCD and not with a CRT, more likely that it's backlight flickering due to low PWM pulse rate. Have you tried a different LCD?
I assume you are.
world of difference between 120-60hz.
Its demonstratable to people who has no issue with eyesight.
now the Op might not have that issue since it might be the card and drivers but using a crt and then go lcd is huge difference in technology.
Dont understand people who think they know when they clearly dont.
BS. a 60hz lcd will cause no more eyestrain than a 120hz. :rolleyes:
try some anti eye-strain eyewear like the GUNNAR optiks range, i use mine since i seem to suffer with eyestrain much more now as i have got older.
BS. a 60hz lcd will cause no more eyestrain than a 120hz. :rolleyes:
I'm not so certain. Unless you can point to some sort of study on the effects of refresh rate and eye fatigue, there's going to be doubt as to whether it makes no difference.
I'm not so certain. Unless you can point to some sort of study on the effects of refresh rate and eye fatigue, there's going to be doubt as to whether it makes no difference.
LCDs dont have a true refresh rate and Flopper is only fooling himself. if his 60hz monitor was causing more eyestrain then it was the backlight or some other issue not related to the refresh rate.

Since activated LCD pixels do not flash on/off between frames, LCD monitors exhibit no refresh-induced flicker, no matter how low the refresh rate.
You don't need to quote Wikipedia. I'm not an idiot.

Note that we're talking about gaming in this thread. For the most part, most pixels change every cycle when you're playing a typical game. Thus, the refresh rate (which LCDs most certainly do have) does come into play.

EDIT: In case there's any lingering confusion:
I use a CRT for everything else during the week while not gaming.
I switched from a DVI-D to the DVI-I it seems alot better they are suppose to be the same could be a covergance issue. I switched back to the DVI-D and it seemed to bother me so I think I have it fixed. Some card just have DVI-D connections
Get your eyes checked out especially if you notice excessive floaters, flashing, or any distortion. In my 30's and been fighting blindness for 4 years due to a very rare disorder. Don't want to scare you but if there is a problem the damage could be irreversible if not treated in time. My vision is permanently distorted and need to use a 30-in at 200% dpi. Turn the brightness down and take frequent breaks.
One of the most annoying things I noticed when I first used a LCD, is the change in brightness on parts of the screen when you move your head even slightly. I'm still not entirely used to it, could be causing eyestrain. And if there were 24-inch, 1080p, flat CRT's, I would buy one immediately!!! :)
But there's something even better than that, the FW900 :cool:
Actually there is, but it's not related to the LCD refresh rate but to LCD backlight modulation.

Yeah, I mentioned backlight PWM. But as far as I know that is around 200hz, which is unlikely to be worse than the guys CRT. And at full brightness there wouldn't be any PWM going on.
Yeah I have no idea my eyes have always been like this WHEN Up-grading n stuff this is the reason why I still use a CRT. I tried using a LED LCD the entire week and my eyes couldn't take it At work that is which is bright retail lights.

I found after I give my eyes a rest they get back to normal after 1 entire day of rest.
The reasoning why I only play games 1-2 nights a week but I use a LED LCD for gaming regular LCDs with Floresant tubes were murder on my eyes and system I started to blank out and stuff.

I am extremely interested to know if you suffer from migraine. If so, have you seen a neurologist, and been professionally diagnosed? I suffer from them, so bad in fact that I have a full disability rating....

I CANNOT stand Fluorescent lighting of any kind..It will trigger migraine attacks that effect me much like the way I think you were trying to mention in the last statement of your OP..I use a Panasonic 42" LCD (IPS Panel, 120hz), but which is of course limited to 60hz as a monitor..It literally is the difference between me being able to function, or not.
Ok just curious.

When i switched to newer gfx drivers i started to get eyestrain and also picture looked different a lil bit.

So when i swtiched back to the old drivers everything was fine again.

Why does this driver myth happen?
It happens to alot of people with Drivers I complained about getting more eyestrain with some newer drivers and the next version the 301.42 Nvidia series were better but now I'm backtracking adjusting the monitor and Nvidia settings I think part of my problem was having the Nvidia settings too dark. Too dark can leave you thinking (it's easier on the eyes) but I think it's like looking through a sheet of paper with pin holes =) Thus straining your eyes and straining the nervous system while gaming.

Trying to mesh your body and nervous system with the latest hardwares is a gamble with me anyway.
I am extremely interested to know if you suffer from migraine. If so, have you seen a neurologist, and been professionally diagnosed? I suffer from them, so bad in fact that I have a full disability rating....

I CANNOT stand Fluorescent lighting of any kind..It will trigger migraine attacks that effect me much like the way I think you were trying to mention in the last statement of your OP..I use a Panasonic 42" LCD (IPS Panel, 120hz), but which is of course limited to 60hz as a monitor..It literally is the difference between me being able to function, or not.

Yeah Flourscents bascially get to me after a few hours at work I hate them worse invention ever created =)