EYEFINITY 3600X1920 vs 1920x1200


[H]F Junkie
Dec 17, 2006
Just did a comparison tonight, wanted to see the difference between a single Dell 2707WFP 27" monitor of 1920x1200res, vs three Dell 2408's 24", running in EYEFINITY Portrait mode of 3600x1920res. And yes my fav game lately is WoW, so sue me.

I brought my Wife's computer down to my Basement office, right next to my gaming rig, so these pictures show a good side by side view of the difference.

What do you think ?



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I'm digging the cans!

Oh, my high end monitor stands, sorry :p Yeah well that's a unique style I am going for :) No really, I just like my display up off the desk, so the middle of the screens is at eye level, and I couldn't find anything else around the house to hold up three separate monitors.
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Do you get pleasure out of teasing ppl?

Not really. I am just posting this more for my own viewing, to really see the difference in the game world seen on one screen of 1920x1200 vs the same game world spread across three displays of 3600x1920res.

I know running it in Landscape mode of 5760x1200res gives way more game world to be seen, but to be honest I tried that for awhile, and going back to Portrait mode is 100 times better for immersion, there is just no comparison.

I think if I won the lotto, hands down the best Eyefinity setup would be 3 - 30" Displays in Portrait, giving 4800x2560res :eek:
Call me a purist but I don't like the bezels. It really takes away from the immersion IMO. Don't get me wrong I like the concept, but it's just incomplete with the thick bezels dividing the monitors. Why not just get a 1080p 50" instead of 3 24" monitors? Be nice if they would make a custom three display monitor with no bezels.
I feel like I would really have to sit down in front of a setup like that to see how I like it. From the outside looking in, I would say that I would go for the landscape orientation as the bezel would be distracting, but I would imagine that you don't notice it as much in person, ya?

Looks like good fun though :D
Call me a purist but I don't like the bezels. It really takes away from the immersion IMO. Don't get me wrong I like the concept, but it's just incomplete with the thick bezels dividing the monitors. Why not just get a 1080p 50" instead of 3 24" monitors? Be nice if they would make a custom three display monitor with no bezels.

This is an old argument already beaten to death so much that makes yours borderline trolling.
Ok, to tell you the God's honest truth. It is night and fucking day HUGE going back and forth between both setups.

Sure I know both are giving me pretty much the same game world view, I am not gaining much of extra game world in the Eyefinity setup, but the IMMERSION factor is just unreal, I can not put down to words how much better it really is.

I played WoW with the 27" Dell monitor for like half hour, and found it pretty cool, I mean a 27" display is nothing to sneeze at. Then I switched back to the 3 - 24" in Portrait, and :eek: Just jaw dropping difference in the feel, like your really jumping inside of the game. The Landscape mode never gave me this same feeling as Portrait, the problem with landscape is, it can be too wide, and looks narrow and thin, where you can still see above and behind the monitors, like the wall or other stuff, so the immersion factor is way less in Landscape. But in Portrait mode, it is just looks like a wall of LCD bliss, you see the 3 displays from floor to ceiling almost, it covers up your whole viewing area, making you feel like your really inside the game, Landscape could never do that.

I have Eyefinity for IMMERSION factor #1, not just for seeing more game world, and in my opinion Portrait has a much higher immersion factor over Landscape.
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Word, I guess the side monitors do make you use your perphieral vision. I'd love to see three 50" 1080p
plasmas in an eyeinfinity set up. That would be insame.
So how does the POV work exactly...what is the range in the horizontal and vertical that you can display. Say you went to the furthest extreme and were playing say NFS with enough screens such that one was behind you (connectivity issues aside), would you see behind you? I'd wager not (at least ATM), correct? Is there a 90 degree left and right limit?

That would be pretty sick though.

Makes total sense
If they start building TVs with diplayport and DVI and thin bezels then look out world.

The only problem with a TV type gaming setup is you are likely going to be a distance away form the displays. It will actually fill less of your total field of view and may result in less immersion. I went from gaming on a 17" laptop to a 40" TV and display wise it was only marginally better. The sound and comfort were far better and the HTPC was way more powerful graphically than the laptop.
For immersion, do a comparison with a large HDTV and see which you prefer.
I sit 1.5 metres from a 1080p 42" TV and it is amazing for gaming.
Not as amazing as sitting 4 metres away from a lower res projector though even though they both occupy the same size in my vision.
Hence why size/distance matters most, then resolution for immersion :p

However, Eyefinity does display more on screen as well so the equation isnt straight forward.
I agree with above poster that bezels are very annoying, each to their own.
Zorachus you seem to keep changing your mind what setup you like for Eyefinity:p. You had a post not too long ago about lovin the landscape mode of Eyefinity. I guess the beauty of EF is that you have a choice of two types of views.

My 2709W don't do portrait physically with their stands so I will stick with landscape.

Have you thought about moving the bezels of the left and right monitors behind the center monitor to reduce the width from each lcd panel? I did it with my landscape setup and I dont even notice it, your eyes will adjust. The funny thing is that when I do overlap the left/right bezels is that split images line up better like its very own bezel management.
Call me a purist but I don't like the bezels. It really takes away from the immersion IMO. Don't get me wrong I like the concept, but it's just incomplete with the thick bezels dividing the monitors. Why not just get a 1080p 50" instead of 3 24" monitors? Be nice if they would make a custom three display monitor with no bezels.

Can't judge a bezel by screenshots. When everything is moving in sync, the bezels melt away. Your brain basically blends the moving frames together. This is a hard concept to understand with screenshots.

A 52" is pretty much ungainly and impractical on a desktop. I did have a 40" 1080p on my desk, and had a great time with it. Then switched over to a triple landscape 23" monitor for a combined resolution of 6144x1152.

Hands down, triple 23" Eyefinity is more immersive and beneficial to gaming than a really large single monitor. Wide horizontal view fills my vision like nothing else (it's 5 feet wide - and for reference a 52" LCD is only 4 feet wide) and far superior to even having a 40" 1080p up close and personal. You also see so much more of the gameworld and it actually pays off in gaming (less panning of the mouse, but rather more natural panning of your head while still having quick access to your central view).

BTW, I haven't found a game yet that I prefer on my 40". Modern Warfare 2 in particular is STUNNING with an aspect ratio of 48:9.
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Guess you really have to try eyeinfinity first to appreciate it. Wish I could get a demo of it somewhere, lol.
Seems like WoW was made for landscape...except for the messed up FOV in really wide aspects
Seems like WoW was made for landscape...except for the messed up FOV in really wide aspects

There's a program that fixes the fov issue.
It's called widescreenfixer.
Google it.
Will be worth using if you're doing Eyefinity.

This picture really shows the difference between an already big 27" monitor, that on it's own when I first bought it was massive looking, everyone that came over and saw the 27" when I bought it two years ago, freaked how big and nice it was. Now next to the 3 - 24" in Portrait it looks like a 19" LCD

And I will repeat this again, Portrait mode with EYEFINITY is hands down 100 times more immersive than Landscape. The image looks clearer and sharper, and more vibrant for some reason too in Portrait over Landscape mode, not sure why that is ?
now I wanna see you do this with 3 42inch tvs lol

No thanks, even if they were same price as my 24" monitors I would never want to do that. The pixel size and resolution at that big a screen would look very low res to me. I have seen the 37" TV's used as PC monitors and it looks terrible to me, the screen is way too large for such a resolution. A 37" TV needs to have like a 3200x2000res to look like as good as a 30" or 24" pixel size and clearity.

I will go for a smaller monitor with higher pixel count over a large screen with lesser resolution, any day of the week. For once, it's not the size that matters, but sharp crystal clear image quality.

Still think the best #1 EYEFINITY setup is 3 - 30" Displays, set in Portrait mode of 4800x2560res !! Anyone have a cool $4,000 to loan for me that setup, to test out :) LOL, then I woke up
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Man, looking at these makes me so jealous. I ordered my monitors for my eyefinity setup, but today I got an email that my order was delayed. :(
Not a fan of eyefinity portrait mode, I think theres more bezel disruption which is the biggest issue for me, I bet that looks a lot better in landscape 3x1
EYEFINITY 5760x1080 with a 5850, 940/1100.
1x1920x1200 screen lenovo 220x s-pva.
2x1920x1080 benq 2210hd and Dell P2210hd TN panels.

Screens wasnt aligned properly (just a test run), however, playing the game, that isnt noticable, here is my sisters kid playing need for speed shift.
I need a new stearing wheel, as my isnt working properly but playable.

I enjoy the new tech, as the games I play can do eyefinity, dragon age and I hope other games works better as developers add support for widescreen and eyefinity.
Tried Brother in arms - hells highway, but alignment dosnt work for the FoV.
BF2, dosnt work properly, but that game is old now.
Next be to test MW2.
Havent had any issues with framerates yet.

And I will repeat this again, Portrait mode with EYEFINITY is hands down 100 times more immersive than Landscape. The image looks clearer and sharper, and more vibrant for some reason too in Portrait over Landscape mode, not sure why that is ?

Portraitx3 is pretty close to the same aspect as 16x10, except obviously 3x bigger. Landscape is a tiny (relatively) strip across your vision.

My beef with portrait is that in your photos it seems to barely give you more vision in the game, and a lot of that goes behind your character (which is useless). On the plus side, vertical bezels are way better than horizontal, and a lot less space is wasted on peripheral vision.
The image looks clearer and sharper, and more vibrant for some reason too in Portrait over Landscape mode, not sure why that is ?

I bet this is down to cheap TN monitors, with a landscape set up you're tilting the monitors in at greater angles and your vision is overall at a great angle to the screen than a more centered 3x1 portrait mode.

Viewing angles cause brightness shifts and in some case colour shifts in the display, for example Flopper's post above you can see the monitor which is square on with the camera (far left) is brightest and as the best colours, the one to the right at a shallow angle is slightly discoloured and darker, and the one to the right of that is even darker.

You need at least PVA panels if not IPS to maintain good colour/brightness at shallow angle. Most people with the portrait setups are keeping them relatively flat and they sit squrely in your vision anyway.

With landscape flattening the set up will help somewhat but with displays that far out to the side of your vision you will always have that effect with bad panels when you focus your vision forward at the center monitor.
I bet this is down to cheap TN monitors, with a landscape set up you're tilting the monitors in at greater angles and your vision is overall at a great angle to the screen than a more centered 3x1 portrait mode.

Probably, but it would be much different sitting directly in front of them than it would be photographing them. TN panels would be fine in portrait as long as you angled them in a little bit.
Portraitx3 is pretty close to the same aspect as 16x10, except obviously 3x bigger. Landscape is a tiny (relatively) strip across your vision.

Exactly about Landscape, it looks like a thin strip, so you can see the room your sitting in above and behind the triple screen setup, and the immersion factor is just as not as great in Landscape.

Listen playing WoW on a Dell 27" screen at 1920x1200res, is a pretty cool experience on a very nice monitor, it looks really nice. Then jump onto this triple screen setup in Portrait, and it is night and day fucking way better, no comparison, like going from a cheap black and white TV to a plasma screen HDTV, that's how big the difference feels, between the two.

I tried Landscape mode, and I hate the fact it does look like a thin vertical strip, it just does NOT make me say OH MY GOD, but Portrait sure does.
awesome setup!

Your curiousness into this peaked my interest into eyefintiy as i am in the market in changing my primary display. I'm not really into gaming, but the thought of having three monitors in eyefinity for a workstation is tempting. Can you please describe how the triple 24" is for regular browsing, ie: desktop use and if time permiting a picture would best show how these monitors are for everyday desktop use.

I am a software engineer and it would be nice to know how the portrait orientation translates to a better work flow.
curious what types of FPS you get with the landscape & portrait modes in WoW. I too play that game and am just wondering the fps hit.
curious what types of FPS you get with the landscape & portrait modes in WoW. I too play that game and am just wondering the fps hit.

Running in Portrait mode, with three 24" Dell 2408's in 3600x1920res, I am getting anywhere from 45-60FPS. WoW in game settings are Ultra maxed out, all other stuff enabled and highest settings and 2xMultisample, gameplay is butter smooth with rig in sig. But if I just change it to 4xMultisample forget it, game gets 15FPS and is a slide show.
Call me a purist but I don't like the bezels. It really takes away from the immersion IMO. Don't get me wrong I like the concept, but it's just incomplete with the thick bezels dividing the monitors. Why not just get a 1080p 50" instead of 3 24" monitors? Be nice if they would make a custom three display monitor with no bezels.

Having actually played on an Eyefinity setup, I can say with confidence that you forget that they are there very quickly. In about a minute and a half I forgot about them. Granted having a bezel in the center of my view would suck, but having them off to the sides a bit is perfectly fine.

I feel like I would really have to sit down in front of a setup like that to see how I like it. From the outside looking in, I would say that I would go for the landscape orientation as the bezel would be distracting, but I would imagine that you don't notice it as much in person, ya?

Looks like good fun though :D

I prefer landscape orientation myself. Our vision is wider than it is tall so it makes more sense to me to place the monitors in a way as to give me the widest field of vision.
I prefer landscape orientation myself. Our vision is wider than it is tall so it makes more sense to me to place the monitors in a way as to give me the widest field of vision.

I can see how that logic would be more effective if you have 30"s since they will pretty much cover you vertical FOV, but for 24"s, they're not as tall so I'd say portrait is more effective for him. Either way, for me, I'd be in gaming bliss, hah. I can't wait until next year when the 5800s come down in price and become more available. I'm definitely looking forward to trying this out :D.