External HD enclosure needed


Limp Gawd
Apr 22, 2006
If I build a system with 6 SATA hard drives would I be wise to get an external enclosure that had its own power supply and cooling station for the hard drives? If so Are there any recommendations on the proper or best way to do this? Hardware / cases
The Stacker is overkill for 6; I want it for 20. Almost anything will hold 6; make sure it's got a fan blowing over all the drives (!) and check the PSU forum for advice on what power supply. Not just anything will do. Don't be afraid to start a new thread if a search doesn't find something relevant.

What 6 drives are you getting and what do you want them for?

I'm well aware that they may phyiscally be able to hold that many drives, but keeping 6 drives properly cooled?
IIdeally I'd like a system that would house all of my hard drives so that I don't have to muck up my case too badly with hard drives.
The 6 hard drives, ideally 4 would be for the system RAID. there are some quiet 74 SATAs posted on the HD section that I think might be nice. The remainiing would probably be for storage, so Ideally i'd probably grabb some 250s or just move some of myolder 160's there
Wait, you want your boot disk external? That strikes me as a Bad Idea. That means if you ever take that box anywhere you need the external box, too.

If you're considering 4x74 raptors in raid 0 for a boot disk, you're not going to get quiet - a single raptor isn't usually referred to as quiet. And a single 150GB raptor will be faster and smaller and less clutter. Consider a single 150, and a single 500 for data storage - it doesn't sound like you plan to exceed that amount of storage. Then, although you spend more on disks, you don't have to spend anything on an enclosure.
