Exchange: strip header --> forward to


[H]F Junkie
Jul 27, 2006

Is it possible to have an Exchange mailbox forward an e-mail to another mailbox but perform the forwarding as though it was written from this mailbox set to forward?

> John Doe sends an e-mail to [email protected]
> [email protected] forwards to [email protected]
> [email protected] is monitored by BMC Software Track-It! that converts the e-mail message into a ticket and uses the recipient as the "Requestor" (the one who opened the ticket)

Right now if I do a forward, it will set the Requestor to 'John Doe' but I want it to strip that bit of information and make it so it is as though the message really came from [email protected] without any forwarding involved.

Is this possible? Is it possible to have the original header information in the message body?
So you want to rewrite the "from" field to be the users' department so the email parses into your tracking system easier?
Never tried that and unfortunately, I don't have the time right now to test. But, you can probably use a Transport Rule to rewrite the "From" address. You'd just have to test and then create a rule for each department as there's no variable logic within each basic condition. I'd set the conditions to be from the appropriate DL and sent to your support address, and then use "Set Header with Value" action to change the From address to the sender's deaprtment.

See this Link