Exchange Sharing


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 18, 2000
Any easier way to handle Exchange sharing of mailboxes/calendars/contacts?

I have a service company that has 4-5 admins in teh office and 10 field guys. They just added a new admin employee so I need to log into all 10 field users outlook and then share it out to the new girl.

Can this be done from an aftermarket tool?
Can I create a group called Admin and do the sharing off a group so I can just add the new admin as a member of the group and sharing wasdone?
Well, you can do a few different things. It's not best practice (underlined for the nitpickers), but you can take a hammer to it, and just assign full access permissions to the Field users mailboxes for the Admin. That's the fast and dirty way. Or go through sharing procedure and you mentioned which will preserve proper permissions.
I don't believe you can share to a security group, but you can share to multiple people at a time.
Calendar and Contacts you could use the Delegate feature, and have everyone in an e-mail group. Then assign the permissions to that group. This way when you create a new user they get put in that group and they already have the rights they should have.
Yes little more steps on that. I do see the default all users group in the global adress but I creted a group called office but I didn't see it show up in the gal.

Could you give some detailed steps?
  • Add your 10 Field Guys to a Security Group (Universal, Security).
  • Name it something like, Field Service Calendar Reviewers (i.e., for Calendar access)
  • Then use the Exchange PowerShell to make the security group a distribution (e.g., Enable-DistributionGroup “Field Service Calendar Reviewers”)
  • Then grant the group AccessRights to the new admin's calendar (e.g., Add-MailboxFolderPermission "New_Admin_Name:\Calendar" -user "Field Service Calendar Reviewers" -AccessRights Reviewer)

If that helps, then just change "calendar" to whatever you want (e.g., mailbox\folder in that inbox)
I think you have it backwards exchange_keys, I read it as the new admin needs access to the 10 field tech's calendars.

This is extremely easy, but with privacy/security implications.

Create a new security group (Scheduling Admins or whatever you want to name it)
Add this security group to have full access permissions to the 10 field tech's mailboxes
When new admins are hired, add them to the group and they automatically have permissions to all the field tech mailboxes.

If a new field tech is hired, add this group to their mailbox as well. This can be done automatically but for the size of your company the effort is probably not worth it.

This does give them access to their entire mailbox, so there is certainly a privacy/security concern. Using the Delegates feature is the only way to grant access to ONLY their calendar.
as an admin, you can open the field techs mailbox and modify share permissions from your Outlook client. You don't need to actually "log in" to their Outlook with their credentials.
Simply add their mailbox.

You can also share to at least Security Groups.