Exchange problem with new Untangle firewall


Oct 15, 2007
I just installed an untangle box at a clients and we have an internal exchange box. The problem I am having is when I send mail from an external account to any internal account but 2 of them it fails. This is message I get back when it fails Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently. Now the 2 accounts that go through are the ones that are used every day all the other ones are used every once and awhile the last e-mail one of those accounts got was back on june 25th. Now they did just re-sign in the past few days with the company that hosts our website, does DNS forward and also has a barracuda spam filter that filters our mail. Every account is able to send mail and receive mail internal and send mail external just all the accounts but the 2 can't receive mail from an external domain. Also when I look at the logs in the spam filter in untangle nothing hits the server coming in except for mail to the 2 accounts that are fine. Ultimately my question is do you guys think our DNS forwarder is causing the problem or do you think my internal box is causing the problem. Thanks in advance.
Is there just one recipient policy...meaning, e-mail domain? Or is this Exchange box hosting e-mail for multiple domains?
Is Untangle running as the router, or as a transparent bridge?
Is tar pitting enabled?
Can you turn off the spam filtering on the untangle box? If you do that and the issue persists then I would say its a problem with dns or your external spam filtering.
I already thought about the untangle spam filter it's not that. When I turn it off I still have the problem. I have been leaning towards the external spam filter. It's really the only thing that makes sense I mean I am able to send and receive internal e-mails with no problem so internal DNS knows where to throw the mail. I kinda also just want to find a reason to blame the hosting company since they told me what they are paying each year to them and I want a reason to drop them.
Thouht my reply went in last night. I bet its your external smarthost. If no logs in untangle and other mail is flowing its not.your side. Why baracuda? How many users? Go postini
It wasn't my choice to have them scan externally. My client set it up because it's one of his friends I guess. His friend is also charging him 400 a year to do DNS forwarding and scanning for spam that seems outrageous to me but that's what happens when you don't consult me.
The Barracuda could be setup to do LDAP queries, my guess is either your newly installed untangle box is blocking this or the Barracuda does not have these other users setup for this domain.
Definitely sounds like the barracuda. If there is no LDAP action going on, and I bet there isn't since it's not on site, it will just drop the mail because it doesn't think the addresses exist.
My client should be happy when I tell him Monday that the company he just re-signed with is causing the problem. But hey at least it's not my fault that's all I care about and after yesterday I def. didn't think it was since I put in another box at a different client and didn't have that problem at all.
My client should be happy when I tell him Monday that the company he just re-signed with is causing the problem. But hey at least it's not my fault that's all I care about and after yesterday I def. didn't think it was since I put in another box at a different client and didn't have that problem at all.

Was this working before you put the untangle box in? I wouldn't be so quick to put all the blame on the Barracuda provider.
No one ever said anything before I put it in but that's also because no one ever uses those e-mail address. I also turned everything off in Untangle and still had the problem.