Excessive 6800 GT temps


Limp Gawd
Jul 17, 2004
I've had my eVGA 6800GT for about 3 months now, and when I first got it, I noticed that my temps were a little higher than other people with the same card. After about a week of use though, the temps seemed to drop a little so I was happy. Recently, while playing EQ2, I've been watching movies/concerts on the same computer while I play, this worked just fine for weeks. Now, recently, when I try to do it, my computer locks up, and all the graphics in EQ2 start disappearing or going all funky. Just before all this started going on, I started to see what appeared to be artifacting (though I'm unsure if it was or just EQ2 glitches).

Anyway, I started looking at my card temps, and when I run rthdribl, my card easily hits about 92 celsius before I decide that I should stop it because it's still going up. This is after about... 20 seconds of running rthdribl. I opened up my case and put a standing fan next to it and it registered almost no drop in temperature on my card. It idles at around 62 or 63 celsius. I've also been looking at my CPU temps but they APPEAR to be fine, hitting a max of 40 celsius when I'm pushing it. The only way I have of checking this is with MBM though, so I realize it's not accurate. It idles at 29 though.

So, what's going on? Think my card is fried? Would it really lock my whole computer up like that? Or do I have some other problem? For the record, my card isn't OC'ed and never has been.

If it really is a card problem, do you think eVGA will accept an RMA after all this time? I've also still time to step-up though. Till the end of this month, anyway.
whenever i use mbm it always reports about 10-15º lower than what my motherboard and asus probe reports. just food for thought i guess..
Yes, excessive heat problems can cause lockups. Your card is running about 10c warmer at idle speeds than what I've seen reported by others. I would contact the manufacturer and try to RMA it. It's probably going to be a pain in the, but its worth it.
If the card is just having a heat problem, check the heatsink and make sure it's flush with the memory/CPU. Try taking it off and reapplying a thermal compound and see if you can fix it before an RMA.
check to see if your heatsink is making good contact with the gpu, I found when I tightened mine a notch I was able to know down my temps as much as 4C on the stock cooler. I used to hit 82C overclocked 420/1.08 on the stock cooler under load. It would idle low 60s. Now with the nv silencer, I still have same temps, but I'm running 1.4V core and 430/1.10 now.
Xrave said:
If the card is just having a heat problem, check the heatsink and make sure it's flush with the memory/CPU. Try taking it off and reapplying a thermal compound and see if you can fix it before an RMA.
Just don't void the warranty doing that!
I don't have any problem with my GT yet........but temp. is rather high. 51C idle and 83-93C load. But other programs shows 10C lower temp. than what nvidia shows.
Zinn said:
Just don't void the warranty doing that!

Yeah, I really don't want to void my warranty only to find out that the card is screwed up beyond repair.

I guess I'll probably RMA it, but I'm not happy that I'll be without a video card for a few weeks, or however long it is going to take.