eVga 7900gs $119.99 AR Frys outpost

I went to frys this morning at 10am to pick up a wireless card and walked by a mob of people at the video card section. When I asked the video card guy what's up, he said they have a killer deal on the 7900GS KO. So I fight the crowd to see a $119 sale tag and about three cards left on the shelf. The original price was $249, sale priced to $189, rebated to $119. Now that's was a nice surprise. I picked up one.

As noted above, the rebate was for today only. On the printout it says rebate type: aggressive volume discount.
this is a flipping hot deal!

$119 without any TAX! fantastic...

if I was looking for a pci-e I wouldda def gotten two for sli!

this slid easily beats the card I have right now!
aw damn. I tried buying it but didn't realize they went by EST and it showed my order time as 1:30am on 11/25. I guess I'll be cancelling. :( :( :(