eVGA 7800GT, nForce4 SLI Mainboard, Quake4 = $329

Has anyone really thought this through ?

This combo is $379 right now.

$299 for the card.
$79 for the motherboard.
free copy of quake 4.

$379 - $20 + $5 shipping = $364

Now you can sell the Motherboard on eBay for $90 max usually.

$364 - $90 = $274...


Now newegg has the regular deal.

7800gt non-combo for $299 with a $20 MIR and the $20 promo code.

$299 - $20 - $20 + $6 shipping = $265


Just a little math for the folks who think they are going to resale the motherboard and really just needed the video card.

EDIT: also you can get quake 4 with either deal... so if you resale that on ebay for $30 then you are doing good with either deal
i just got my combo in the mail, and the motherboard seals are already broken... anyone else have this happen?

i heard someoney on the forums had the same thing happen... this is bogus shit.
erebus1 said:
i just got my combo in the mail, and the motherboard seals are already broken... anyone else have this happen?

i heard someoney on the forums had the same thing happen... this is bogus shit.

a lot of folks in the video card thread that got this combo and they were pre-opened.. some were fine and some were not.
Interesting math there...

I ended up paying $335 for mine. Upon which I will probably sell Quake 4.
Z(+)DIAC said:
Interesting math there...

I ended up paying $335 for mine. Upon which I will probably sell Quake 4.

Yeah, when the combo was $349 it was a decent deal to make a little cash from.
I don't know, I'm still "iffy" about eVGA boards. I mean from what I hear they perform well for the money, but there are others that say they do not overclock well and the such. Now this talk of them coming PRE-OPENED!? More than likely I will probably sell it off...
the eVGA boards are rebranded Jetway boards. I plan on selling mine (it just sits here now) cause I am mATX for life.
erebus1 said:
i just got my combo in the mail, and the motherboard seals are already broken... anyone else have this happen?

i heard someoney on the forums had the same thing happen... this is bogus shit.

This is still happening? Hmm... I'd contact eVGA or check their forums because as I understood it, they were supposed to squash this practice - people have been complaining about it for awhile. I thought it had been stopped and that is the only reason I picked the bundle up for 335$
I bit :\. I got so tired of my asrock board not working right. Anyway, its a good deal regardless. I mean I guess I could of spent 310 on a 7800 or so, but the systemboard makes decent. I like the features of the evga 7800gt, its sweet.

I didn't even get the 20 dollars off I couldn't make the damn coupon work? I bet thats a dead deal on the 20 bux. I"ll nab q4, and will probably be able to sell it for maybe 20 bux or so, or hell just keep an extra copy..
I just got my bundle today and I guess I'm lucky because my mobo has not been opened.

Just an FYI.
~GEO~ said:
I just got my bundle today and I guess I'm lucky because my mobo has not been opened.

Just an FYI.

Hmm this gives me hope. I guess it was delivered to my other house today as well so I plan on picking it up within a few hours.

I'm still debating whether I'm going to sell it or keep it.
Z(+)DIAC said:
Hmm this gives me hope. I guess it was delivered to my other house today as well so I plan on picking it up within a few hours.

I'm still debating whether I'm going to sell it or keep it.

ill buy it off u if its cheap enough.