EVGA 7800GT: Copper Heatsink Version or Other?


Nov 23, 2004
I was wondering if the copper heatsink version of the evga is worth the extra cost over the other evga 7800gt's. Any opinions are appreciated. -Rob
currently the 7800GT CO is the cheapest model eVGA offers (on newegg) and its actually the best as well.


the n516 and n517 (7800gt CO SE, and 7800GT CO, respectively)
$300 and $320

so theres no extra cost, and yes it is worth it... better cooling, and its actually a faster card period
my card runs exceptionally cool (about 35ºC idle, maybe 50ºC under load, not sure though)
depends what you'd like: are you going to be doing serious oc'ing?
if so, you'll be replacing that hsf with something like a silencer or vf700cu, so just get whichever is cheaper.

if you aren't planning on oc'ing that hard, but would still like to squeeze a little extra out of the card, get the copper hsf.
I guess that makes the decision easy. Whats the difference between the n516 and n517 version?
the n516 is 460/100, the n517 is 470/100
i believe though, the n516 is supposed to be 460/1050
either way, after attempting to overclock and deciding to settle back to stock, my n516 is now at 470/1100 lol
maybe a frame or two difference in performance, if that ;)