eVGA 6800 GT @ newegg.com

Cheaper to just buy it straight off evga.com. Screw Newegg and their price gouging. The GT is in plentiful supply even at B&M shops like Fry's for $399.00. Yet Newegg, a freaking online merchant, is price gouging.
you think thats something.... i watched a mobo go from 163.00 to 183.00 in a short amount of time. It's almost like they were reading the forum and saw when i was ready for my purchase and then raised the price just before I bought... (i went elsewhere after seeing it go up).
newegg could sell those cards for 300$ and still make profit, because theyll just raise the price on 5 motherboards by 3$ and reach the same profit margin, they have so much crap laying around
infin|ty said:
You guys so poor you cant spend $10-$20 more on an item?

rofl. It's a matter of principle. You'd pay 10-20 more when you can get it possibly faster for 10-20 less? Yeah that's smart. People should go to Fry's and ask to pay more, to prove they aren't poor.
evilchris said:
rofl. It's a matter of principle. You'd pay 10-20 more when you can get it possibly faster for 10-20 less? Yeah that's smart. People should go to Fry's and ask to pay more, to prove they aren't poor.

I would rather buy from a more reputable company.
I don't have a Fry's near me, but I've always heard great things about them... are Fry's not a reputable company?

But that's still not the point... so it's okay to say... hey we are reputable, lets hike the price up?
infin|ty said:
I would rather buy from a more reputable company.

lol. Yeah, you have a lot to fear walking into Fry's and putting the card in front of the cashier...
yeah i noticed that about newegg and from what i saw they are doing it to the x800pro series as well really bad. i see cards there cheapest at like 450 bucks when you can go to compusa and get it for $399 easy. the price difference surely has me looking elsewhere. i agree completely with infinity.
avatar_of_might said:
yeah i noticed that about newegg and from what i saw they are doing it to the x800pro series as well really bad. i see cards there cheapest at like 450 bucks when you can go to compusa and get it for $399 easy. the price difference surely has me looking elsewhere. i agree completely with infinity.

infinity is calling newegg reputable and is saying you should buy from them. You sure you agree?
heyheyhey said:
Price gouging = Lost business.

Not very smarrt on their part.

It's not price gouging at all. Newegg does not have a monopoly on the product, and thus they cannot by definition price gouge.

Price gouging is when a monopoly exploits its monopoly position to increase the price on a commodity. For example, move theather concessions - they have a monopoly on food and beverage, and they exploit it by charging you $4 for a Coke.

Newegg is simply reacting to the forces of supply and demand. Newegg saw that there was huge demand for the card and insufficent supply. Thus, they raised the price.

You can always take your business elsewhere. That's what Newegg wants.

Let's say that they got in 100 cards when it was $399 and 300 people who want them. 200 people didn't get cards. Clearly, there aren't enough cards to go around. If they get another 100 cards, and sell them at $399, they will sell 100 more. If, however, they sell them at $425, and half of the people who wanted the cards go elsewhere because of the price, they still sell all 100 cards - for $25 more each.

This is, of course, oversimplified. In reality it's much more complex. But it explains why a gasoline shortage causes prices to increase - it is the market balancing supply and demand automatically.
infin|ty said:
You guys so poor you cant spend $10-$20 more on an item?

Trust me, if you spend your life paying even just a couple bucks more than necessary just for convenience at every possible opportunity, you'll be a hell of a lot less rich when you retire than you could be.