Everest and Rivatuner GPU temperature Discrepancy


Limp Gawd
Aug 11, 2004
I recently upgraded to the rig in my sig. I have both Everest Ultimate and Rivatuner installed (Everest for monitoring and Rivatuner for fan control). I noticed an 8C degree difference between the two for my GPU temperature. The problem is I don't know which one is right.

Has anyone else experienced this?
I am almost positive that everest is showing the correct temps. If I remember correctly, and please someone correct me if I am wrong, there has always been a slight offset in RivaTuner.
Thanks for the reply.

The odd thing is, prior to the upgrade the temps were almost identical. The only things I upgraded were the mobo, CPU and RAM so the video card itself didn't change.
If you are using the latest version of Rivatuner, it should be correct, I believe Everest is not correct.

The easy way to be sure is use the Nvidia control pannel and check the temperature in there which gets its temps from Ntune if you have it installed. For me Rivatuner, ATITool, and Ntune all show the same temps. Keep in mind all the programs poll at different intervals so it may take a few minutes for them to match.

I've been going by the Rivatuner temp since it is much closer to what the temps were prior to my upgrade so I was assuming it was probably the correct temperature.

Thanks for the replies.