EU Urges Internet Governance Revamp

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
It looks as though the European Union is still wants the governance of the internet stripped from the United States. The EU Information Society Commissioner has asked President Obama to agree to a "new, more accountable, more transparent, more democratic and more multilateral form of internet governance." Because ICANN isn’t democratic and fair right now?

"In the long run, it is not defendable that the government department of only one country has oversight of an Internet function which is used by hundreds of millions of people in countries all over the world," Reding said.
did we "invent" this ... not al gore style... but really get this off the ground? if so are they not using a technology of another country... who is governing it? buying domains could be a little nicer, we shouldn't have monopolies/ologopolies raising the rates to foreigners and even americans... however internet governance...

most computer and network tech started in the US. its like telling saudia arabia "please stop regulating the oil its not fair" or... any tech in another country that they charge us for

lol. EU is power hungry.

waiting for the 3 EU trolls to post... 3...2...1....
most computer and network tech started in the US. its like telling saudia arabia "please stop regulating the oil its not fair" or... any tech in another country that they charge us for

Is there something wrong with it that needs to be fixed, or is this just "we want your toys" grab?
most computer and network tech started in the US. its like telling saudia arabia "please stop regulating the oil its not fair" or... any tech in another country that they charge us for


Yeah, but if you try that argument with the oil guys "Hey, we know you guys drilled for it in your country, but it's used around the world so it's not really fair that you even have the ability to exert control on it (afterall, they aren't angry at something we did, only that the US has the ability to do something if we wanted to at some point)." The oil guys would get a real laugh out of that before going along unchanged.

Unlike the oil guy analogy you used though there are actually some people here who would actually say "Oh, sure we made it, but let's share. It sounds totally reasonable that we give up ICANN to an international body wherein the US actually has the equivalent of 2/3 one vote (North American only gets 2 votes, so out of 2 votes we get 2/3 of one vote) and Australia gets 3 votes." They want us to give up ICANN but not only that, they want us to give other countries MORE control of it than we'd have left rather than merely sharing equal control.
I especially love how the EU uses some of Obama's favorite words to try and win favor with him.
"transparent", "democratic", etc.

When has the EU shown to do anything with transparency or democratically.
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The United states created the internet, shared it with everyone, and seems to be doing a decent job of keeping things going, it's still here and nobody is locked out of it.

I don't think we need to hand things over to the EU just because they want to be like the U.S. and think we need to play nice. I think they should be allowed to control things in their own territory how they see fit, but in terms of governing anything on a global scale, I think not.

I for one would not like a country like Australia who sees fit to install a Great Barrier Filter, gaining more control over the internet, before we know it there would be a global filter on the internet and the U.S. would have to unleash the "Internet 2" so that we could go back to doing our own thing again (Like porn and online gambling and that freedom of speech thing).
I say eff the EU and let them build their own interwebz...

Or at least build their own infrastructure and link it with ours. Just govern their own shit and leave ours alone.

EU's been slapping a lot of hands that feed them lately. Someday it's going to bite them in the ass.
It's queer logic. It's as if you painted a masterpiece, and let all the neighbors come over to view it through the window. But after a time, they get nervous you might close the curtains (or envious you have such skill?) and demand that you pass possession of the masterpiece to Barney and Moe.

To hell with that. Go put brush to canvas and create your own fucking masterpiece, Ms. Reding. Try earning something for a change, ya goddam mooches!
I think the US does a fine job of regulating the Internet. Why fix what's not broken?

I do understand the EU's concern. By sharing the Internet with other countries and allowing them to become dependent on it, the US has implicitly given up some of its rights regarding that device. Imagine that you and your friend both want to watch TV. You get to the remote first, so you get to decide what to watch and choose a movie that has just begun. After you and your friend watch the movie for a while, it would not be permissable for you to change the channel in the middle of the ending without his consent, claiming that you still have control of the remote. You gave up that control when you settled on watching the movie and allowed your friend to do the same.

So far, however, the US has not attemped to change the channel, and until they do, the EU has no ground to stand upon.
Imagine that you and your friend both want to watch TV. You get to the remote first, so you get to decide what to watch and choose a movie that has just begun. After you and your friend watch the movie for a while, it would not be permissable for you to change the channel in the middle of the ending without his consent, claiming that you still have control of the remote. You gave up that control when you settled on watching the movie and allowed your friend to do the same.

You gave up control by letting your friend watch with you? Thats epic.
So if I agree to drive a buddy to work one day as a favor, I give up control of my own car from then on? No.

If its my TV, I do what the hell I want with it. Get your own TV.
After seeing how Germany regulates its internet I say HELL NO, the internet over here is rediculous, especially during the TKS DSL strike, where people were left months with out internet and still getting charged with zero refund after the strike...
There is something wrong with government controlling communication between people.
The Internet should be free geographically and politically.

Problems start when somebody creates a webpage and it's contents are considered illegal by one or more countries. Webpages don't have a geographical place, they should be considered international!

If there would be an international office where they handled the problems regarding the Internet not by enforcing a country's law but international laws agreed upon by all the countries.

I don't know what the EU wants exactly but that looks like the first step towards this.
I do understand the EU's concern. By sharing the Internet with other countries and allowing them to become dependent on it, the US has [...]
The US isn't sharing the internet with other countries.

Other countries have built their own networks which can operate independently. It's convenient for everyone that they use ICANN for domain name management so that there's only one address space we have to consider.

If ICANN isn't sufficiently cooperative with other countries, then you might see them switching to alternative DNS roots. This wouldn't be particularly good for anyone.
EU is awful and should be disbanded. Its just trying to be the new world order or World government that we all know will end in oppression. I am thinking "V for vendetta".

EU has tried to gain power over other countries since its creation. This is another fine example and we should not allow it.
Ahhh the EU. Those despicable bastards that sue microsoft for having a superior product. The is clueless when it comes to mainstream technology like this. This is almost as ridiculous as China saying they don't hack US computers. EU should stfu and figure out how toearn money without suing a US company to meet revenue expectations.
Maybe I'm just a power hungry bastard, but I like the fact that we can pull the plug on all the primary DNS servers...

I'm going to get blasted for this...but in the interests of National Security, I think it would be wise to keep those cards close to our chest :)
Aaah funny how every EU related news item gets tied to it suing Microsoft sooner or later... It's like linking every query the US makes to the war in Irak. One has nothing to do with the other. And those comments are logically followed with a "hey EU, make your own Internet" comments... Sure, ARPANET has been invented by the US military, but the core of the Internet we know today, mainly the world wide web or WWW was actually co-invented by a Belgian: Robert Cailliau... And Belgium is an European country!!! *gasp* There is more, WWW was invented while he and Tim Berners-Lee worked for CERN, which is a European organisation! So basicly, I could also make the claim "hey US, invent your own WWW"... See how silly that sounds?

Having said that, it's true that ICANN seems to work fine so far... Why fix something if it's not broken right? Isn't that how everyone though of the economy a year ago? Why must we always wait for something catastrophical to happen before we take action? Frankly I do not see a problem in the EU's request, other than that big boss USA has to hand over a bit of world control. Maybe that's the real problem? :)