Epson P-2000

if you want something just for storage purposes, check out the Hyperdrive

That and the P2000 are the best PSDs (portable storage devices) out there as of now.

I have the "Compactdrive" PD70X, which is the Hyperdrive, but the "foreign" version (as in, before the hyperdrive, the PD70X was the only PSD you could get from this company, and you had to order from singapore...well worth it IMO though.)

anyway, P2000 if you wanna show off your pics, Hyperdrive if you just want a way to free up your memory card for more shots without deleting anything.
thank you, that info has helped me greatly.

Now i need to decide what I want to do... hmmmm.... I want it to store my pics, im trying to decide the LCD to show off pic is worth the extra green.
I got an Epson P-2000 for a trip home to Scotland a couple of months ago (I live in Cincinnati). It was absolutely perfect for what I wanted - away from my PC for two weeks, didn't want to carry lots of CF cards, and some way to review the photos that I'd taken. But since I came home, I haven't touched it at all. Still, it's there for the next time I'm photographing away from home.

Battery life seems decent enough, but after each day of uploading and reviewing, it would need charging. Not a huge problem, but I would have preferred better battery life.

I love that you can create your own folders, rename everything, copy and move pictures, and even watch movies. What I didn't like was the delay in caching each image for the first time before you could view it.
My vote is for the hyperdrive. I picked up one of the HD80 40gb models, (After going to the website it seems they've discontinued these) for a trip to the Caribbean and it worked phenomenaly. I really didn't care to look at the pictures while I was on my trip because I knew I could look at them when I got home. So this was the perfect solution for me. Plus mine has a charger built in, but the batteries I put in lasted my entire trip which was a week long.