EP2 Ending Discussion (spoilers)

You're not making much sense...ep2 is not such a dramatic deviation from the other two hl2's to warrant such a negative response. Flame bait as the other poster said.

Yeah, flame bait. Certainly Episode Two follows on perfectly from the first two parts.
You're not making much sense...ep2 is not such a dramatic deviation from the other two hl2's to warrant such a negative response. Flame bait as the other poster said.

Or perhaps the small changes all added up to something I disliked? What's so hard to believe about that? I've played through it twice, once for the game, and once for the gnome achievement, and it was, by far, the worst of the three "episodes" that we've had. The end battle is disappointing, the humor is ok, the characterization of the vortigaunts and other people is laughable, and the ending made me laugh, not cry :(

The sequence in the tunnels with the turrets, vorts, and antlions was awesome. Driving the car (when not messing with the gnome) was good. The rest was poor at best. I simply didn't like the majority of the game, and that's my right to have that opinion and to share it. I'm sorry you feel it's flame bait, but Ep2 was the weak point (IMHO) of Orange Box.
Does anyone know when Episode 3 is out? I can't see an ETA on Gamespot.
no one knows, best guess, about 18 months

That's ages. I'm hopeful for a release before the end of 2008 at least! I think it's possible as there isn't Portal or TF2 to consider this time. Hopefully Valve will start putting out a few teaser videos soon
The hunt for the Borealis and Judith should be a great adventure. I wonder if Episode 3 will start with control of the helicopter, that'll be fun. The Borealis cargo must be destroyed as this caused the incident at Black Mesa (the cargo is crystals?)

The key scene is here

Ep 2's ending was great, I just wished I didn't find out before playing it. I enjoyed the Strider battle and the enjoyed running down the Hunters.

What I expected more of was the zombie fights like Ep1 but hey, the whole game can't be centered around that. The Antlion fights also became repetitive after a while but I did enjoy running around with the turrets trying to hold off the antlions long enough for the Vortigaunts to heal Alyx.

All in all, I felt that it was a worthy sequel to Ep1 and definitely on par with the rest of the HL series. Like the rest of you, I'll be eagerly waiting for Ep3, whenever that is.
One thing bothered me, I dont like how Eli was all calm and collected in his last moments, talking with the same tone of voice as in the rest of the game.

A. He was trying to keep his daughter calm.

B. G-Man told him through Alyx that there would be unforeseen consequences. I think he knew he going to die soon.

Yes, the unforeseen circumstances were that Eli Vance was going to die. He knew it - somehow.

Anyone else think there is something suspicious about Judith Mossman? I don't trust her at all.
Yes, the unforeseen circumstances were that Eli Vance was going to die. He knew it - somehow.

Anyone else think there is something suspicious about Judith Mossman? I don't trust her at all.

of course not. she betrayed them once. once it becomes apparent someone is capable of betrayal, never trust them again.
of course not. she betrayed them once. once it becomes apparent someone is capable of betrayal, never trust them again.

I believe she betrayed in order for them to gain access to the citadel. Without her, they would have failed.