Engadget confirms Win7 upgrade rules

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So I guess we can let this one die now, since it's well past the expiration date...

Just a suggestion, find somethiong more useful to do with your time other than of hanging around here to attempt to bully anyone who levels any amount of criticism at your beloved Microsoft. Same goes for you other bullies too. I'm a big boy and won't be beaten into submission with your dispicable character assasination.
If Joe Average was any kind of man he would post an apology for making unwarranted false accusations against me instead of posting an assinine comment like "NEXT". But hey, we all know that is never going to happen because...
Oh FFS! Boy! Man up a bit. Grow a pair! HTFU!

"I could sue your ass for libel", on an internet forum, is just about the most childish/lame thing ever in the whole HISTORY of ever!
If Joe Average was any kind of man he would post an apology for making unwarranted false accusations against me instead of posting an assinine comment like "NEXT". But hey, we all know that is never going to happen because...
Please stop posting; I don't want to know what happens if my respect meter for someone drops below 0.
And your post is just so much more mature than mine. What a man you are, I wish I could be just like you. :cool:
Well, he has a long wait coming because I had no intention of sueing anyone in the first place. I'm a master of the windup and you guys are just my pawns to play with. :D
Here's how I see the upgrade working for Xp upgraders. You have your faithful Xp on the C: drive. You install a SSD drive and insert the Win 7 upgrade disc, it asks you if you want to install Win 7 on the SSD drive or other drive. I can't see it working well any other way.
Well, he has a long wait coming because I had no intention of sueing anyone in the first place. I'm a master of the windup and you guys are just my pawns to play with. :D

With that attitude, and the public admission of it (something in your psychological makeup just begs for it), the only thing you're going to wind up is banned for trolling because the Admins/Mods don't take kindly to folks like you stirring up shit around here.
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