Ender 3 Print bed


Jan 1, 2019
I ordered a ender 3 about a month ago. I have been using it and printing everything just fine. I had issues with wider prints where the edge wouldn't stick. I took the advice of so many others to use glue stick to get it to stick, however, now nothing at all sticks to my bed. I have releveled it multiple times, cleaned my print surface. changed filament. I am at my end of what to do. I have ordered a glass bed now and have to wait a week or more for that to come in. I have no idea what happened as to why nothing at all with stick now. Any ideas?
I'd try a PEI sheet or use painters tape. It's not uncommon that the larger prints near the edge would not stick. It's because the heat bed will heat and maintain temperature for the center of the bed but the edges are going to be cooler. I would kick up the temp of the heated bed just a few degrees to compensate. Can you show a pic of the first layer so I can see if it's low enough? Also what temp are you printing at? Some PLA require higher temp but generally 200-220c is what you should be about.
do you have the magnetic build plate from the Ender 3 pro or the regular ender?

Isopropyl Alchohol should clean it off.... glue stick is generally for on top of paints tape or glass.... not any of the other build tops

I have an ender 3 and a CR-X