Empires: DotMW problems


Limp Gawd
Jun 3, 2004
I've got a reoccuring problem with this game. The game great, but every now and then, when i start a game (campaign, random map, multi-player) it thinks i don't have enough resources for anything. At the start of any random-map game, you have 200 food, well it won't let me even make a 50 food worker, saying not enough resources, this is really puzzling. I used to always be able to solve the problem temporarily by readministering the patch, but now, It pops up in the middle of a game, frick. But it only effects units, and age advancements, if I have a university, i can still get upgrades...and then after i get a few, it goes away, and comes back, and eventually, i'm out of upgrades, and i;m screwed! Does anyone have the same problem? If so, has anyone found a way to make it stop for good, its making me so mad!