*Emergency* I need help saving my class project


Limp Gawd
Oct 3, 2006
Well my class project involved a newscast. While trying to extract the files from one of the dvd discs, it freezes. I think one of the files are corrupt, I tried cleaning it, but it's clean and I don't see a scratch or smudge on the disc.

When I open the disc, I can play them all individually except for one file. One file has like 1-3 seconds of a part it won't play. The thing is, this 1-3 second is part of a 600mb file. So whenever i try to import it into my editor or copy it on the desktop, it just freezes.

The project is due Monday, and I am responsible for editing it. Other then what I said above, I also tried to 'fraps' it but whenever I fraps a video, any video, fraps will say 'Fraps is not responding'
You could give UnstoppableCopier a shot, I've heard people say good things about that software for getting data off (possibly) damaged optical media.

If necessary, you could find some editing software and use that to import everything up to maybe 1 second before the corruption point, and 3-5 seconds after. Yes, you'd end up losing data, but it's better to lose a few seconds of footage than never being able to use any of it.

And most definitely try several different optical drives, never just rely on one as each of them (even the same drive model) are unique and each has their own particular glitches when reading even the same disc.
Like the previous poster said, try different optical drives if you can. Lite-Ons and late generation Samsungs are very good at reading discs in bad shape.