Email generator?


Limpness Supreme
Feb 8, 2005
I'm looking to learn a bit about exchange server, and was wondering if there was an equivilent to a network traffic generator for emails? I want to strain my mail server (A dual-P3 which currently does nothing other than fold), break some stuff, learn how to optimize it for large amounts of traffic, block varying attachments, etc. The emails themselves don't have to be anything special, but it'd be nice if I could set up spam and non-spam style emails, to test out a filter or two, and if I could set it to send emails with and without attachments of random filetypes.

Also, while I'm at it, can anyone recommend software which will automatically scan emails for viruses? Or should I leave that to the users? I'm trying to get a hang of things I might be doing as a "real" network administrator while I'm still in college, but without a network to administer... *shrugs*
AVG is one of the mass's that will scan incomming and outgoing e-mails.

And its free!!!!
For small-scale stuff, either telnet to TCP/25 and have fun, or just use any smtp-aware program.
Malk-a-mite said:
Being that you didn't mention platform or program....

Aah... Sorry. Windows Server 2K3, Exchange Server 2K3. And I may have been a bit vague - I'm looking for something to send my exchange server emails. I know I COULD just sign up for a lot of spam, but I'd rather have the server completely disconnected from the internet.
TeeJayHoward said:
Also, while I'm at it, can anyone recommend software which will automatically scan emails for viruses? Or should I leave that to the users? I'm trying to get a hang of things I might be doing as a "real" network administrator while I'm still in college,

Whelp....for a proper Exchange'll need a minimum of 2x antivirus packages.
1) The antivirus protection for the operating system itself. Since Exchange sits on Windows Server...that rules out pretty much most of, it not all, of the freebie solutions out there.
2) Antivirus module for Exchange Server...yes...they have "plug in modules" specially designed for Exchange..since in your regular antivirus software, you'll see setting the Exchange Store directories in the exclusion...because normal antivirus real time protection should not sniff that area. This 100% rules out the cheapy freebie AV solutions out far as I know.

SInce you're shooting for network admin further the topic of antivirus...most of the AV companies out there make Business Editions/Enterprise Editions. These are centralized antivirus solutions..manage the entire network from one console. Symantec Corporate Edition is a popular one, McAfee makes one actually called Enterprise, Esets NOD32 Enterprise Edition (my favorite), etc etc. One server downloads the updates..pushed them across the LAN to all connected clients. (saves on the internet connection hit..1x download instead of a bunch of downloads for each workstation). Also the management console, you can see the status of all connected PCs, alerts, run scans, push installs, etc.
Fint said:
For small-scale stuff, either telnet to TCP/25 and have fun, or just use any smtp-aware program.
how about writing a script that will telnet to port 25 and send a ton of emails :D