Email Distribution Help

[BB] Rick James

[H]ard Dawg
Apr 4, 2004
I'm running an exchange 2007 server. What I want to do is create a distribution list and when someone emails [email protected] that emails gets forwarded to the Sales Distribution list with user A, B and C as a member of it.

Right now I have [email protected] being forwarded to user b, but in exchange you can only forward to one person.

Anyone know what I'm missing.
it's not really an exchange thing, but an AD thing.
You need to make a distribution group, and assign it that address (remove it from user b first), then add them members that need to recieve that email.
you need to create a distribution list sales@bjkbjkdfs, all the members you add will recieve emails

sounds like you just have a user account sales@fjdkfjsdkl with email being forwarded from that...
Ok. I'm doing something wrong. Here is what I have.

I have a user of [email protected].

I have 2 users: [email protected] and [email protected].

What I want, is all emails being sent to [email protected] to also go to user1 and user2.

I have a distibution Group created in Exchange called abc sales. I've made sales, user1 and user2 all a part of that group. The emails will only go to sales.

I've also tried creating a distribution list in AD (which exchange will do anyway) called abc sales. I made sales a member of and user1/2 members of that group, and still the emails will only go sales.

What am I doing wrong?

**Edit** Ok let me re-phrase my issue. I know how to create a distribution list where if anyone in the company wants to send an email to Sales, everyone in sales will receive that email. That is all fine. What I can't get to work is how do I create it where someone from outside the company sends an email to [email protected] and everyone in sales receives that email? That is what I'm having the issue with. I'm probably making this much harder then it really should be.