eMacs updated


Nov 5, 2002
For those interested Apple slipped out updated eMacs at 1.25GHz G4 with 333MHz DDR 167MHz FSB and 32MB Radeon 9200, of course now APX and BT are available.
$799 for the 1.25ghz combo drive model?

Not bad at all. That's a little more than half what I paid for my 933 combo iBook.
now I don't know why this is being done but there is also a version for the edu market that has no optical drive! I am just wondering how you either restore the OS or even load anything onto it..unless it is just through a network connection
Originally posted by gigglebyte
now I don't know why this is being done but there is also a version for the edu market that has no optical drive! I am just wondering how you either restore the OS or even load anything onto it..unless it is just through a network connection

Load an OS over the network? What a pain in the ass!

Although if it's for educational purposes only with networked computers, the school should cough up the extra 200-400 bucks for some kind of Firewire drive to transfer the OS.
That's what I'm thinking if you buy a ton w/o optical then chances are you've thought ahead in having the security of bozos not being able to load crap but have a portable optical so you can if you have to.
these seem a good deal?

Is the speed comparable to a flatscreen imac?

> £938.83
15-inch flat panel TFT display
1GHz PowerPC G4
80GB Ultra ATA drive
32MB DDR video memory

> £515.83
1.25GHz PowerPC G4
40GB Ultra ATA drive
DVD/CD-RW drive
ATI Radeon 9200
32MB DDR video memory
56K internal modem
AirPort Extreme Ready

Half the price... an extra .25ghz, but the ram/hd speed is the same? Are the graphcs nvidia vs radeon much different.

Sure yu don't get the flatscreen but half price?!
I would say that being the specs are about the same or better on the eMac and that the response time of a CRT is better than an LCD (although not better on the eyes) that the eMac is definitely faster, maybe not a whole lot but faster.
The video in the emac is WORLDS better than the video in that iMac. The Geforce 4 MX is basically a Geforce 2 ti running at a different clockspeed. By todays standards, it T3h S[_]X0rS. Anything that has a MX after the numbers or name sux. It really means it's a GF 2 in some flavor or another.

the 9200 radeon is the best low budget vid card out there right now. Whomps the nvidia 5200 in the G5 towers speedwise.

If there was one thing I could tell Steve if I met him, I'd tell him to QUIT PUTTING LOW-LIFE VIDEO CARDS INTO MACS. A 5200 Ultra in the G5 is insulting - they all should have come with the 9600 Pro. minimum.

/rant off
I agree, I think nVidia fell asleep for the past year and a half and might be waking up but we're not sure but we do know that ATI has been awake for a couple of years now and has been pissed with nVidia in their sites. In all actuality at least on the PC side I wouldn't touch a 9200 when you can get a 9600SE for less than $90