EK Velocity AMD AM4 block, very quick question


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 8, 2003
Inside the box of this said WB, they supply a single additional metal "plate".. what is this for? I remember back in the day, the EK SUpremecy block shipped with multi different "Plates" for different cpu configs like 2011-3 and 115x cpu's. But I cant see why they include an additional "plate" since this is only for am4 cpus... Clue me in please
It is a back plate for extra support if your mobo doesnt have one, or to replace the one your mobo comes with. Unless your talking about the additional jet plate. That is optional for you to try different configs inside the block.
It is a back plate for extra support if your mobo doesnt have one, or to replace the one your mobo comes with. Unless your talking about the additional jet plate. That is optional for you to try different configs inside the block.
i emailed ek about this, and your reply is incorrect. they include an Intel 115x jet plate in the box for this am4 block incase late on, you may want to convert the block to an intel mountable block all you would need is the mounting bracket. so you basically convert this block to an intel version