Eizo Foris FS2331

What about gaming on the Eizo? Is it good? Does scrolling webpages cause a lot of blurriness? The only VA panel I ever tried was the Benq EW2420 and it was a nightmare.

I just played BFBC2 on the Eizo. I had a lot of fun and got two dog tags. Apart from that, I won't recommend it to someone who finds a similar VA panel to be objectionable.
What about gaming on the Eizo? Is it good? Does scrolling webpages cause a lot of blurriness? The only VA panel I ever tried was the Benq EW2420 and it was a nightmare.

It's fine, I just finished a session with GT5 with an Ferrari F1 car, and it looks virtually the same as what I see on the CRT right next to it. There is blurring with overdrive off but once you turn it on I can't notice it with all the fast motion, plus most games have some motion blur anyway. Even the scrolling ticker tape that lists the cars in the race doesn't look too bad.
There was some blurring in some sections of the course from the bumpy car motion, but the CRT also has it, so the game is doing it.

I haven't tried my PC FPS games yet. Might go test it on Red Orchestra and TF2 now, and some PC racing sims as well.

When I first got the Eizo I noticed some small blurring when scrolling web pages down, but now I don't even notice it. Remeber I've been using CRT for a long time, and this is the first LCD I've used in a while. At first the whole difference in looks, almost too sharp, and motion bothered me, but now after a few days I'm used to it, and it looks great.
It's better than the Benq V2400W 2ms TN panel monitor I used to have that's for sure as far as blurring goes.
Mouse movement looks the same as my CRT, which does leave some mouse images behind, but not like a ghost trail.
Even my CRT does have phosphor trails.

When I had GT5 in 720p mode scaled up to 180p, I had smoothing on 1 and it looked blurry. Turns out 1 is max smoothing and 5 is no smoothing :)
Set it to 5 and it looks exactly like the CRT, some small jaggies and all, put smoothing on 4 and it looks very nice. Considering this is 720p scaled to 1080p, I really have no complaints about the scaler.

As far as lag goes I do notice it my GT5 lap times if there are any, with a wheel and a fast car. When i tried playing from the Virtual Dub video cap preview screen my times are way slower, since there is a 500ms lag, so I'll have to see if this effects things with the Eizo.
Doubt the Eizo has that much lag though :p

Swapping between inputs is a bit slow, my CRT is much faster
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Ok tested out TF2
Had both monitors running duplicated at 1280x960, v-synced
offline match, 7 bots, used scout.

CRT was smooth as expected, normal if you will.

Eizo - with overdrive on, I can notice some small amount of blurring on fast horizontal swings, but I'd say it's hardly noticeable most of the time. I only saw it because I have a CRT next to it to compare.

The CRT does feel a bit smoother, but this is a fast game and I'm doing rapid sweeps with the mouse.
We are talking about 5-10% factors here, nothing major. I didn't notice any lag.
Saw nothing here that would kill game enjoyment.

Eizo looked great at 1280x960 scaled up. Actually sharper than the CRT with smoothing set to 4 :)

edit - Red orchestra and mods - it's a slower paced game, but motion blur is noticable, can't say that it's enough to effect my playing though
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So I'm wondering... With the overdrive enabled, is it possible this baby can do 3D Vision with a custom refresh rate of 120Hz?
Anybody know a place in the states that carries these? Everything I've found seems to be backordered :\.
^ Maybe it's too good :)

The coating on this screen is great, even under fluorescent lighting the image does not wash out and minimal reflections.

Can't say the same for my CRTs. Either you turn the lights off, or use a hood to protect the screen, because it washes out pretty severely and has more reflections to boot
Something like that XD. This seems like *the* monitor for me as I value low black levels, and it'd be an instant buy if I could find the damned thing in stock anywhere.

Are there any other quality 23-24" gaming-capable PVA panels out there?
Ended up contacting Eizo, and apparently this hasn't 'officially' been released yet - will be middle of next month.

I guess I can wait.
Is there anyway i can change the OSD setting "Smoothing" on the screen? Mine is locked to three and can't figure if its changeable, if so anyone having better results using higher or lower values?
To change smoothing you have to use a resolution smaller than native and let the display upscale.
Is there anyway i can change the OSD setting "Smoothing" on the screen? Mine is locked to three and can't figure if its changeable, if so anyone having better results using higher or lower values?

read the thread :)

Smoothing of 1 = max
5 = no smoothing
Still haven't gotten a reply regarding the NA release of this monitor D:. Strange to me that I was told 'mid-March,' as if they don't have a set date...
Well a month on, with it being used every day for a good 8 hours a day, this monitor is still superb. No issues what so ever :cool:

useage time is 688 hours according to the monitor

yes it costs more, but you do get what you pay for, compared to items made in China
Excuseme This Eizo is optimal for Gaming like Dell ultrasharp ?
No ghosting or blurry ?


Excellent contrast, good viewing angles and light AG for some color streaking during fast motion.

CoolColJ came from a CRT and has no problems with it, it depends on your sensitivity to motion artifacts and if they are woth dealing with for the postives this panel offers.

@CoolColJ, you should try ToastyX's F2380 72hz settings, they seem to work on a bunch of monitors.
There is some blurring and ghosting, but not enough to bother me too much.
You only notice on fast sweeps with FPS games, or scrolling terrain quickly in an RTS


NCX - Thanks I'll try it. should offer some improvement if it works :)
What program did he use?
Just use your ATI/Nividia control panel under custom resolutions
Just use your ATI/Nividia control panel under custom resolutions

Well with latest Nvidia, some of the parameters shown aren't seen on my system I could only set it to 61 hertz at 1080p. The Control panel won't let me go higher.
Blanking is not there, and Horizontal scan rate is locked.

I think he must be using ATI
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Well with latest Nvidia, some of the parameters shown aren't seen on my system I could only set it to 61 hertz at 1080p. The Control panel won't let me go higher.
Blanking is not there, and Horizontal scan rate is locked.

I think he must be using ATI

the nvidia control panel under "adjust screen resolution" it gives you the option to "create custom resolution" (or maybe it just says "Custom"), that's what you want.

I'd be very interested in knowing if this monitor can pull off 72hz well.
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Well with latest Nvidia, some of the parameters shown aren't seen on my system I could only set it to 61 hertz at 1080p. The Control panel won't let me go higher.
Blanking is not there, and Horizontal scan rate is locked.

I think he must be using ATI

these are the needed settings for nvidia
Won't do 72 hz at those settings, but it did hit 63 :)
Says signal error on the monitor at >63

Maybe some more fine tuning can make it go higher
using a GTX570

Can anyone explain all these various settings?
It seems that the maximum horizontal scan rate is the limiting factor 68Khz, anytime the settings exceed that it won't work
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Hi Col,

How do you find the monitor for reading text?

What does the text look like if you increase the font size, via the Desktop properties of Windows, to 135% (130dpi)? Is it sharp and easy to read?

Hi Col,

How do you find the monitor for reading text?

What does the text look like if you increase the font size, via the Desktop properties of Windows, to 135% (130dpi)? Is it sharp and easy to read?


At 100% is a bit small, but still sharp and clear. When I set it to 115% it's the same as my 21inch CRT at 1280x960
Zooming does mess up the formating of some windows based programs and games though

You have to use cleartype font though and that can be fine tuned

Its fine at 135%, just a bit too big for me :)
i found a video review of this on youtube. it's in german but pretty straightforward so you can see what's going on. it's 720p so pretty high res, and gives as good a look as possible at motion blur w/o actually sitting in front of the monitor yourself.

i went ahead and got one of these off buy.com. hopefully i am more pleased with it than my ea231wmi with its ips glow that just kills me. (not to say it's a bad monitor--i still like it a lot)

like a moron, i forgot to actually include the link to the youtube vid >.<
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSOYSw6iRAE"]YouTube - &#x202a;Special: Home Entertainment Monitor-Eizo FORIS FS2331 [459]&#x202c;&rlm;[/ame]
^ only if your watching it from a CRT ;)

I was playing Kohan 2, with it's long slow cut scene pans, the motion blur was a bit distracting then
Because there are a number of complains about buzzing/humming sound from EIZO EV2333W I would like to know if this issue is solved in FS2331 ?
Man the brightness of the monitor has come down significantly!

I noticed the monitor seemed a bit dim the last few weeks, I didn't know by how much until I turned on my CRT on for the first time in months,

I decided to calibrate it again today for 8000k white, 120cd/m2 etc.
When I first got it, brightness was set to 46 to achieve that.
Now it requires 77 out of 100. I hope this will be stable now
2129 hours according to the monitor

New calibration results

ColorEyes Display Validation Log
2011-07-11 15:02:53

Display:	FS2331 1
System Profile:	Eizo_8k_G2-2_120CDM
Calibrated By:	ColorEyes Display
Calibration Date:	2011-07-11 15:01:51

Validation Results:
   #       C       M       Y       K     Target     L       a       b    Measured   X       Y       Z       L       a       b    DeltaE  
       1       0       0       0       0         100.000   0.000   0.000          114.07  120.46  153.77 100.000  -0.564   0.384    0.92
       2       0       0       0       0          95.631   0.000   0.000          101.48  106.69  136.90  95.400   0.167   0.037    0.29
       3       0       0       0       0          91.201   0.000   0.000           90.05   94.67  121.58  91.049   0.168  -0.013    0.27
       4       0       0       0       0          86.711   0.000   0.000           79.25   83.62  106.96  86.713  -0.385   0.226    0.61
       5       0       0       0       0          82.140   0.000   0.000           68.91   72.58   93.17  81.975  -0.109   0.008    0.20
       6       0       0       0       0          77.490   0.000   0.000           59.49   62.58   80.63  77.253   0.063  -0.184    0.27
       7       0       0       0       0          70.541   0.000   0.000           47.17   49.60   64.01  70.301   0.091  -0.251    0.34
       8       0       0       0       0          62.611   0.000   0.000           34.98   36.87   47.49  62.179  -0.181  -0.140    0.48
       9       0       0       0       0          53.991   0.000   0.000           25.00   26.47   34.23  54.003  -0.631  -0.285    0.97
      10       0       0       0       0          40.688   0.000   0.000           13.43   14.10   18.00  40.751   0.167   0.194    0.32
      11       0       0       0       0          26.132   0.000   0.000            5.56    5.87    7.50  26.365  -0.161   0.117    0.32
      12       0       0       0       0          15.512   0.000   0.000            2.19    2.31    2.96  15.049  -0.141   0.054    0.37
      13       0       0       0       0          55.442  85.903  76.861           51.04   26.14    3.17  55.425  86.062  76.910    0.04
      14       0       0       0       0          87.453 -83.383  91.711           38.83   85.16   17.57  87.486 -83.139  91.695    0.06
      15       0       0       0       0          28.660  72.139 -87.104           24.54    9.22  133.70  28.525  71.807 -87.323    0.21

Maximum DeltaE:	0.97
Average DeltaE:	0.38



Old results here
Man the brightness of the monitor has come down significantly!

Yes, the brightness does jump down quite a bit in the first two thousand hours. I haven't noticed much change recently at 2600 hours, but I do prefer running the monitor well below 120 cd/m2.
Anyone managed to detach the stand mount without ripping the whole back plate off?
I unscrewed the 4 screws in the back, but something is blocking it from sliding all the way out.
Hmm does anyone know if its normal that these monitors/panels have huge differences in brightness. I Had to RMA my first FS2331 because it made quite loud humming noise but now this replacement monitor seems really dim. Basicly i need to put brightness to 70-75% to get similar brightness than i got with my old one with 50% :(

Also colours on this one looks quite different, does anyone have any calibrated settings to this monitor i could try?
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Hmm does anyone know if its normal that these monitors/panels have huge differences in brightness. I Had to RMA my first FS2331 because it made quite loud humming noise but now this replacement monitor seems really dim. Basicly i need to put brightness to 70-75% to get similar brightness than i got with my old one with 50% :(

Also colours on this one looks quite different, does anyone have any calibrated settings to this monitor i could try?
They get dimmer as I mentioned recently

When it was new I had it calibrated to 120 cd/m2 at 46 brightness
Now it's at 71 Brightness after calibration at 2000+ hours

It should be stable after this though I imagine

As far as calibration goes I set my monitor 8000k as that's what I like, and have my calibrator adjust my video card's LUT to be closer to ideal.
I don't bother fiddling on the monitor itself apart from setting the brightness.
I don't think you can adjust the individual colours themselves.

Maybe the monitor is in a different colour temp
It's worth buying a calibrator
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They get dimmer as I mentioned recently

When it was new I had it calibrated to 120 cd/m2 at 46 brightness
Now it's at 71 Brightness after calibration at 2000+ hours

It should be stable after this though I imagine

As far as calibration goes I set my monitor 8000k as that's what I like, and have my calibrator adjust my video card's LUT to be closer to ideal.
I don't bother fiddling on the monitor itself apart from setting the brightness.
I don't think you can adjust the individual colours themselves.

Maybe the monitor is in a different colour temp
It's worth buying a calibrator
Well this replacement was brandnew and not refurb unit as the first one i sent to warranty was DOA. So dimming in time is not the problem i have, this is just been dim since day one compared to that one i sent back and just wondering of there really can be this big differences in new panels?

And btw actually you can change colors in monitor menu. Atleast with user presets you find color adjust at color -> advanced settings -> gain and there is R/G/B values you can change ;)
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Maybe its a new revision

Those gain settings won't help much, as changing the colour temp automaticly changes those values
Calibrating LUTs works a bit differently