eGPU to house 3090


You Know Where I Live
Aug 25, 2013
Is there an eGPU to house a 3090? She thicc and power hungry.
Yes, it's stupid. It's a stopgap until I buy the rest of my PC.
Cost isn't an issue. Notice the 3090?
Convenience is the name of the game.

If you’ve never tried to shoehorn a giant gpu into an enclosure before I can see how you’d think it was convenient, but in some of those things the tolerances are so tight I’ve been worried about damaging the card before.

at any rate, I definitely wouldn’t buy anything unless you are certain it will fit. Also if cost isn’t an issue, what’s the holdup with buying the rest of your pc now?
If you’ve never tried to shoehorn a giant gpu into an enclosure before I can see how you’d think it was convenient, but in some of those things the tolerances are so tight I’ve been worried about damaging the card before.

at any rate, I definitely wouldn’t buy anything unless you are certain it will fit. Also if cost isn’t an issue, what’s the holdup with buying the rest of your pc now?

Impatience. I'm not gonna buy Zen2 when Zen3 is just around the corner.
My 2070MaxQ in my laptop laughed when I tried to run Satisfactory at 3840x1600
I think im going the same route. I bought an akito node for a 3080. we will see
edit: alxlwson I have the same laptop except 144hz in mecury white. Im afraid the thunderbolt is going to choke out the 3080 hard. but we will see!
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I think im going the same route. I bought an akito node for a 3080. we will see
edit: alxlwson I have the same laptop except 144hz in mecury white. Im afraid the thunderbolt is going to choke out the 3080 hard. but we will see!

That's my thought as well, but only way to tell is to test.
No one is discussing the performance hit using a gpu like that in a egpu enclosure. Why would you put that much power into something you cant fully utilize it with?
I gave up on EGPU and will be building an ITX box. The performance loss is significant, especially using the laptop's LCD. That said if the cost is no objection, might as well try it and see. Sometimes you just have to try it to find out if it makes sense.
No one is discussing the performance hit using a gpu like that in a egpu enclosure. Why would you put that much power into something you cant fully utilize it with?

The answer to your question has already been given.

I gave up on EGPU and will be building an ITX box. The performance loss is significant, especially using the laptop's LCD. That said if the cost is no objection, might as well try it and see. Sometimes you just have to try it to find out if it makes sense.

Yeah. I don't need the loopback, just for driving external 3840x1600
If cost is not an issue why not just build your system now with a nice x570 board with a 3600 or 3700 and sell and upgrade to zen 3 when it comes out? You'll likely lose less than $100 if you go this route (3600 for $170 now and sell for $100 when zen 3 comes out)
If cost is not an issue why not just build your system now with a nice x570 board with a 3600 or 3700 and sell and upgrade to zen 3 when it comes out? You'll likely lose less than $100 if you go this route (3600 for $170 now and sell for $100 when zen 3 comes out)

yep, that's the ticket right there
Another consideration for eGPU with thunderbolt - it’s 4x PCIe over another protocol (as opposed to being over a simple PCIe ribbon) which adds overhead and robs bandwidth. This arrangement will see at least a few percentage points lost over an in-case install for a desktop.

For a laptop that’s still going to be better than anything you can get inside your laptop so I can see it being an interesting option for someone with both a laptop and desktop or some other special use cases but not worth it in my opinion for just avoiding having to make it fit in your case.