edit ghost image


Apr 14, 2004
i have a few os images, and i would like to edit them,
i just wana insert a few images on to the desktop but norton ghost v8 only lets me view, cant edit and save?

is edit only available in corportate versin?
Not sure about what version, but the filesystem imaged has to be FAT32 to edit it. If you image an NTFS volume it cannot be edited to the best of my knowledge.
i never found a way to edit NTFS ghost images either
would be very interested in this also
Once it went to NTFS there is no way to edit it. Now, if it was just a straight ISO you could use ISO buster.
win iso fails to open the gho file
iso buster can open it , but it just appears as a single track, it does not show the internal files

so if it was fat32, i can edit it right? i mean like the image is not even mounted in anything else so i dont understand why we can edit under fat32 rather then ntfs.

can someone confirm to me that ghost corporate does have the ability to edit the gho ghost image files, since i will need to buy it if so. tks
leeroy said:
win iso fails to open the gho file
iso buster can open it , but it just appears as a single track, it does not show the internal files

so if it was fat32, i can edit it right? i mean like the image is not even mounted in anything else so i dont understand why we can edit under fat32 rather then ntfs.

can someone confirm to me that ghost corporate does have the ability to edit the gho ghost image files, since i will need to buy it if so. tks

I only use the corporate edition, and yes it allows us to edit on FAT32 only. It's a matter of how Ghost has to write it's file and how the filesystems themselves are structured. If it is a ghost file of an NTFS volume you won't be able to edit it under any circumstances that I know of.
My Corporate 8.0 version only allows me to edit FAT32 as well. The only option I can see is laying down the Ghost image on the PC it was created on, and then make your changes, and re-up the new image.