ECS as a stopgap?

Redshirt #24

Jan 29, 2006
I'm about this close to going over to Fry's and snagging an E6600 and this 'board for $230, along with the requisite cheap RAM...and all I can find about the board anywhere (thus far) is that it exists. Nobody likes it, nobody hates it, it's just kind of...there. Even for ECS, that's pretty weird (though they have some good karma with me from the venerable K7S5A way back when).

I'm not an OCer by nature, so that's not a factor...but allowing for that I just need to know if the board is fairly stable (or perhaps more accurately the drivers for it) and won't be a falls-down-the-stairs-and-breaks-neck from what I've got now. Especially under XP/x64. And, ideally, I'd love to know if it will burst into flames if I run SupCom on it.
Six hours and not even a "run as far away as you can as fast as you can"? I'm stunned, people. :)
i also got this board with my c2d 1.86 . it was a combo deal from FRY'S electronics. 149 for both. i was planning to toss this mobo in the garbage if it sucked since i basically got it for free. fry's had a good deal on memory at the time so i bought a 2gig stick of patriot ramm. this board can hold upto 4gigs but only 2 slots. the bad thing about the memory is that its onlt 533mhz. only 1 pci-express slot also. now for the bad stuff. i couldnt install any OS on it sor some reason. the only OS that would install was vista enterprise and i hate vista. i couldnt get any of my old hardware to work with vista. i had to use my old ATA harddrive that had xp pro still on it to make it work. i couldnt even install a fresh copy of xp on my old hard drive. so i bought a SATA HD for nothing. there are ony 4 2.0 usb ports on the back. i would never buy this board. like i said i got it in a package deal. do not buy this board. even if you get it for free you dont want to buy 533 memory and then upgrade your mobo later and be stuck with lame memory. i only bought the memory for mine becuase it was 79 bucks for a 2gig stick. memory will usually cost near 200 for 2gigs.