ECS p4m800 issue


Limp Gawd
Oct 6, 2005
I just got the new board for my sisters computer after a
Mishapp long ago and the folowing Shenanigahns after that....

Now i got an ECS P4M800PRO-M478 with new swag. The only origional parts are the hdd, ram, floppy and case. after it posts, and starts to lad windows it will freeze up for ~2 seconds and then go realtime for ~2 seconds. Im not patient enough to see if it's stable, or to see if the problem receeds and recurrs without reboot. Haven't heard much good news about this board either, but the features were up my alley. "runs DDR and DDR2!" YAY... (hook, line and sinker)

Any suggestions? Ram timing perhapps? Im running a P4 2.8ghz. Sig doesn't apply.

This whole thing is makeing me more and more interested in this thread...
- Its fixed

A fresh install seemed to fix it. I rulled it out becasue it was a fresh install when i got the previous mobo.

Funny, all this shit i had to crawl through with a snorkel, and my sister still doesn't care. She's just complaining about the crappy monitor and the iMac keyboard i had to give her. :rolleyes: