ECS KN1 Motherboard Issue

Feb 12, 2005
I had an ECS KN1 Lite motherboard which I got for free with an Athlon 3400 at newegg about 8 months ago. It began to experience issues and eventually died. I RMA'd and got a new or repaired board back. It now powers on, however, it will not boot.

After listing the IDE/PCI/other devices, the normal verifing DMI data pool appears. It then, however, comes up with

Nvidia boot agent 212.0491
Copyright Nvidia
Copyright Intel
PXE-E61 Media test failure, check cable
PXE-M0F Exiting NVidia Boot Agent

I of course check the drives which were fine. I then tried to boot from another different drive which had the ghosted backup of the boot disk on it. Again same error. A google search turned up little but possibly an idication that there is a similar error displayed when a board is improperly flashed. I have never attempted a flash on this board however.

Could it be that they flashed when I RMA'ed and it was unsuccessful? Any other ideas? An email is in to tech support as well but I thought someone here might know off the top of their head?
Is it overclocked or anything like that?
Maybe start by taking everything out but video and a single hard drive and seeing what happens, then try booting from bootable CD, if it boots from the CD okay and can do windows setup or whatnot it may just be a bios issue with how the hard drives are setup. You should try resetting the bios to defaults and rebooting.
Major id10t error--I have 2 nearly identical SATA drives and had them backwards so it wasn't finding the boot partition where it thought it should. The ECS bios is a real POS though in my book. I wouldn't have gotten it unless it was free.