EAC/CDex settings for VBR


Fully [H]
Mar 24, 2000
I'm going to start ripping all of my CDs to my hard drive, for a jukebox type PC. What are the usual settings for VBR? I'm seeing more and more guides, and even MaxPC mag recommending VBR. I've normally done them at 192 or 256 static bit rate. I have EAC and I have CDex, so I can use either one. I also have lame 3.96.1.
Not really an expert but I've been ripping a bunch of my CD's lately using EAC and LAME. I use the RazorLAME front end because I like the batch processing and I am far too set in my ways to just use the external plugin for EAC. I'll have to give it a shot in the future when I have a little extra time to play around with it.

I use 192 / 128 VBR, stereo (not joint stereo), quality at 4. The passthrough to the command line looks something like: -b 128 -m s -V 4 -B 192 according to RazorLAME. I'm happy with what I get out of this. The files aren't huge (something like 1.25MB per minute on average... give or take) and quality is pretty good. I haven't done a / b comparison of file size for the same song between VBR and CBR though.
I use this

-V 0 --vbr-new --add-id3v2 --pad-id3v2 --ta "%a" --tt "%t" --tl "%g" --ty "%y" --tn "%n" %s %d

Does that mean it maxes out at 320? I'm looking for the settings that will give me (quality-wise) about the same as a CBR encoded song at 192 or 256.
yeah. But most of the songs settle at 256k, barely reaching 320 much.
Does the zero after the first capital V refer to the quality setting?
The LAME -V switch specifies the quality of the VBR. The '0' means it will go for the highest quality VBR.

Usually I just do alt-preset standard or extreme, which does VBR encoding. 'standard' averages around 192 kbps, whereas extreme averages around 256 kbps. Standard targets the quality of CBR-256, whereas extreme targets the quality of CBR-320.
It wasn't working for some reason with a 2, so I followed the above switches for 0. Now I tried 2 again, and it's fine. The quality is good too.
I use:

-V 2 --vbr-new --add-id3v2 --pad-id3v2 --ta "%a" --tt "%t" --tl "%g" --ty "%y" --tn "%n" %s %d

which equates to APS (~224 VBR)

The resulting MP3's will be about the same size as a 192 CBR but quality will be far superior (perceptually identical to CD).

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