EA revenue from PC games trumps xbox 360

If it wasn´t for piracy the PC would be number one not only in Europe as currently but all over the world... So it´s ridiculous to think piracy don´t hurt game developers. For sure there is piracy on the consoles as well but it´s less common and the console gamers are obviously not very price sensitive anyway...
Absolutely. And I don't think anyone here is implying piracy isn't a problem for the PC. But it isn't the be all end all excuse for while PC gaming is declining. Lack of innovation seems to be a big problem, as does marketing. And shifting demographics in gaming overall too.
Uhh, Crysis has sold ~ 1.5 million copies to date.

It may have seemed bleak in the first month or so, but it picked up exponentially thereafter, and can easily be argued as one of the greatest FPS titles of all time (99.99% of all Crysis haters are those whose rigs cant handle it or those whom have unrealistic performance expectations altogether). Crysis does have a 91+ Metacritic score by the way. :rolleyes:

UT3 on the other hand was crap from the get go because it was designed with consoles in mind.

Don't compare UT3 to Crysis, that's just ignorant.

if this is such a great game, why is the multiplayer game browser so empty? :eek:

I'd have to agree with this.

From you

Dual 4870s here, I was playing in 1920x1200 with all very high but it was a bit too choppy i guess around 20-25 fps which is pretty lame.

Been playing today in 1680x1050 with textures,world geomtry and physics set to "very high" and everything else set to high, very playably 40fps average i'd say.

Crossfire doesn't scale well Crysis, it's strange, other games like CoD4 get almost perfect 100% scaling but crysis is down there at about 50% i've no idea why. AMD need to get their act together with Crysis crossfire drivers i guess.
I agree as much as I want to be mad at developers the only people you can blame is yourself if you pirate your games. I have been preaching this to lan party events now for 8 years and people just laugh at me. I told them back then one day devs are going to stop making pc games because of your stealing. They always make up excuses but I see though everything I have predicted has came true.

Developers are leaving in droves to consoles and who can blame them. The only ones who stay are those who have the big franchises "aka Blizzard". It's sad that a series that got its start and fame on the pc "Battlefield for example" didnt even get a pc version this go around. If this doesnt start convincing pc gamers to start buying their games instead of stealing then look for the day when we are lucky to get 3-4 games a year.

Well.. I guess one day we will be stuck with Warcraft 9, Diablo 5, and Starcraft 4. Just because EA got a big profit on pc games doesnt mean anything. Sims have been on the top position for like ever and dont ask me why I guess there are a lot of women/teen girl gamers out there who are loving the franchise because it sales like hotcakes.

I really hope if you pirate your games that you can see that your +1 against developers making PC games and change your ways. Console players pay roughly 10-20 dollars more for their games and people buy them all the time so why is it so hard to pay 30-50 dollars for a game. Pc gaming is my hobby and it's a hobby I take very serious and enjoy every aspect of it from building my next gaming rig to improving my crappy RTS skills in COH. Please, I plead with you all support your pc game devlopers.

On a side note id like to promote a great online game I have been enjoying this week. It's the demo for Frontline Fuel of War. Download it and try it out, I have been having a blast with it and plan on ordering the full version next week. www.filefront.com

Another purchase worthy game is the PC version of Devil may cry, if you have an xbox 360 controller this game is a fun arcade/platform game and it looks beautiful in DX 10 mode.
Just because EA got a big profit on pc games doesnt mean anything. Sims have been on the top position for like ever and dont ask me why I guess there are a lot of women/teen girl gamers out there who are loving the franchise because it sales like hotcakes.

Its not just EA who have gone on record saying that the PC market is very viable, vavle and stardock have stated that they are making truck loads of money. The only people who appear to complain are those whose games are mysteriously not selling well. Cant have anything to do with the fact that the games are shit....noooo, of course not. Must be those nasty pirates.
Its not just EA who have gone on record saying that the PC market is very viable, vavle and stardock have stated that they are making truck loads of money. The only people who appear to complain are those whose games are mysteriously not selling well. Cant have anything to do with the fact that the games are shit....noooo, of course not. Must be those nasty pirates.

I agree bad games shouldnt be purchased but that still no excuse to pirate. There is enough review sites out to make an informed decision and the developers wouldnt have an excuse. For instance Call of duty 4 is a fantastic game yet the number of pirated copies that they tracked online was even far more than they expected. In fact it was recorded that it was 20:1 that is just sad man and that is just one example. 20 pirates to 1 legal purchase. So, that claim that it is just bad games being pirated is unfounded and not true.
I agree bad games shouldnt be purchased but that still no excuse to pirate. There is enough review sites out to make an informed decision and the developers wouldnt have an excuse. For instance Call of duty 4 is a fantastic game yet the number of pirated copies that they tracked online was even far more than they expected. In fact it was recorded that it was 20:1 that is just sad man and that is just one example. 20 pirates to 1 legal purchase. So, that claim that it is just bad games being pirated is unfounded and not true.

Well the point of this thread isnt about piracy, its about the fact that publishers can make just as much if not more money on PC's than consoles, i.e. piracy is not an excuse not to develop PC games.

I know all about infinity ward's whining about piracy and quite frankly I do not understand it. The best aspect of COD4 is the multiplayer, and you can bet your bottom dollar that alot of people who pirated the game also went out and bought it (especially given the fanatical following on the console versions). Online download numbers are always exaggerated because of the fact that it obviously takes into account entire nations, if not continents, where piracy of western games is considered acceptable.
I agree bad games shouldn't be purchased but that still no excuse to pirate. There is enough review sites out to make an informed decision and the developers wouldn't have an excuse. For instance Call of duty 4 is a fantastic game yet the number of pirated copies that they tracked online was even far more than they expected. In fact it was recorded that it was 20:1 that is just sad man and that is just one example. 20 pirates to 1 legal purchase. So, that claim that it is just bad games being pirated is unfounded and not true.

Who said anyone who had to pirate a game to know its shitty? Even though that is the only definitive way to know without buying it.

And those numbers they give to people have no validity, they can't accurately track who pirates and who doesn't, all they do is count the number of downloads on different websites, take that number verbatim, and say there were X many pirated games. That being said, I am sure more people downloaded CoD4 than bought it, and I see why, CoD4 for the PC isn't worth its price, not for the audience that the platform commands. I played it on the PC, and I played it on X360 it was good, but its not pulling me away from any of the multiplayer games that I play, because CoD4 would be a step down.

What really sucks is the bleeding heart people like you come onto these forums and clog them up about how the PC platform is dying, and how piracy is the main cause, and they don't care about the other factors, and they don't want to admit that piracy isn't as harmful as they think. And this topic isn't about piracy, its about how EA makes more money on the PC than on the X360. Its ironic however because EA and developers connected to EA have been going up and down about how piracy is killing their platform, and about how they are loosing sales because of it, and that they are going to pull out (basically threatening the consumer) of the PC market, or lower the quality of their products by giving us ports(because if they are not developing exclusively for the PC, then their is no guarantee that they would put the extra development time that the PC requires), but it doesn't add up when they report something like this.
Who said anyone who had to pirate a game to know its shitty? Even though that is the only definitive way to know without buying it.

And those numbers they give to people have no validity, they can't accurately track who pirates and who doesn't, all they do is count the number of downloads on different websites, take that number verbatim, and say there were X many pirated games. That being said, I am sure more people downloaded CoD4 than bought it, and I see why, CoD4 for the PC isn't worth its price, not for the audience that the platform commands. I played it on the PC, and I played it on X360 it was good, but its not pulling me away from any of the multiplayer games that I play, because CoD4 would be a step down.

What really sucks is the bleeding heart people like you come onto these forums and clog them up about how the PC platform is dying, and how piracy is the main cause, and they don't care about the other factors, and they don't want to admit that piracy isn't as harmful as they think. And this topic isn't about piracy, its about how EA makes more money on the PC than on the X360. Its ironic however because EA and developers connected to EA have been going up and down about how piracy is killing their platform, and about how they are loosing sales because of it, and that they are going to pull out (basically threatening the consumer) of the PC market, or lower the quality of their products by giving us ports(because if they are not developing exclusively for the PC, then their is no guarantee that they would put the extra development time that the PC requires), but it doesn't add up when they report something like this.

You still didnt understand any of my post. I am not saying PC gaming is dieing it will probably never will. But it is being injured and maimed. Just because pirating doesnt kill a game developer doesnt mean o well its ok if a few people pirate this game.. Do you see what I am saying there ? No matter how you slice it Developers loose money man and that in the end is what it keeps them making the next great game.

Good discussion though..
Know who isn't having piracy problems? companies that can make games with decent multiplayer and a cd-key. Voula, piracy problems solved. Pirating a multiplayer game is like getting a demo.
You still didnt understand any of my post. I am not saying PC gaming is dieing it will probably never will. But it is being injured and maimed. Just because pirating doesnt kill a game developer doesnt mean o well its ok if a few people pirate this game.. Do you see what I am saying there ? No matter how you slice it Developers loose money man and that in the end is what it keeps them making the next great game.

Good discussion though..

But yet they still make as much, if not more money, than developing the game on consoles. Go figure.
If it wasn´t for piracy the PC would be number one not only in Europe as currently but all over the world... So it´s ridiculous to think piracy don´t hurt game developers. For sure there is piracy on the consoles as well but it´s less common and the console gamers are obviously not very price sensitive anyway...

No, I think its more the price gouging that goes on outside of America because game developers enjoy a 100% markup in Australia. You pay $50 for the same game that I'm forced to pay $100 for and it is not uncommon to see new console titles reaching the $120 mark. If brand new pc games were $50 in Australia I'd have 50 more reasons to spend the cash and buy it. When they stop screwing the consumer in the arse is when PC gaming will take over. It is rather pointless to try and blame it on piracy as the main cause when game developers are just looking for a scapegoat.
No, I think its more the price gouging that goes on outside of America because game developers enjoy a 100% markup in Australia. You pay $50 for the same game that I'm forced to pay $100 for and it is not uncommon to see new console titles reaching the $120 mark. If brand new pc games were $50 in Australia I'd have 50 more reasons to spend the cash and buy it. When they stop screwing the consumer in the arse is when PC gaming will take over. It is rather pointless to try and blame it on piracy as the main cause when game developers are just looking for a scapegoat.

And the funny thing is that we have had that price point in Australia for as long as games have been available here. I remember paying that much for the first Dune game which came on 3 floppies.

Whats even funnier is that my brother just came back from Thailand with a copy of Mass Effect for me (legitimate, not pirated), it cost him $18 AUD. For that price most people wouldn't even care if the game was only mediocre.
FY 2008:

PlayStation 2	601
Xbox 360	589
PC		430
Wii		302
Nintendo DS	230
PSP		185
Xbox		19
GBA		8
GameCube	5
FY 2008 + Q1 2009:
PlayStation 2	680
Xbox 360	670
PC		516
Wii		359
Nintendo DS	251
PSP		242
Xbox		19
GBA		8
GameCube	5
Uhh, Crysis has sold ~ 1.5 million copies to date.

It may have seemed bleak in the first month or so, but it picked up exponentially thereafter, and can easily be argued as one of the greatest FPS titles of all time (99.99% of all Crysis haters are those whose rigs cant handle it or those whom have unrealistic performance expectations altogether). Crysis does have a 91+ Metacritic score by the way. :rolleyes:

UT3 on the other hand was crap from the get go because it was designed with consoles in mind.

Don't compare UT3 to Crysis, that's just ignorant.

if this is such a great game, why is the multiplayer game browser so empty? :eek:

Who said anything about multiplayer, I was referring to the single player mode, which is crtically acclaimed.
Weird that they mentioned those two games. I would think that EA would make most of their money from the rehashed sports games that they put out that all the goons go out and buy every year like zombies just for the updated rosters and 1 or 2 minor changes that they make for the game. That type of product just wouldn't work for PC gamers. We're smarter than that ;)
Yea, I think its funny how epic puts out a shitty game, and they blame their lack of sales on piracy... Ah, last time I checked, UT3 required a unique key to play on line, which is the only worth while way to play the god dang game in the first place. Oh i pirated UT3, I get to play the single player for free yeah!, wow, that single player mode is great isnt it?

I think PC gamers are less inclinded to purchase a crap game. I mean I bought UT3, it was a mistake, and for those of you who do have UT3 have you ever tried to find a server with actual people in it? I mean wow.... Epic Fail! pun intended.

UT3 on the console (360 is what I have) is definitely better populated than the PC version. If I do play the PC version which I also have, I usually wind up playing with the same people over and over again. There are TONS of dead servers wasting away. On the 360, I can join any time of the day or night and have a full game of any gametype I choose. Yeah the graphics are crap and it only runs at 30fps on the console...but at least I have opponents :p
I'd have to agree with this.

yes, but look at the success of COD4. because it was coded so well, it enabled people with lower GFX cards to enjoy the benefits of a better looking game. Its definitely no crysis but its definitely a good looking game and surprisingly enough at that.
UT3 on the console (360 is what I have) is definitely better populated than the PC version. If I do play the PC version which I also have, I usually wind up playing with the same people over and over again. There are TONS of dead servers wasting away. On the 360, I can join any time of the day or night and have a full game of any gametype I choose. Yeah the graphics are crap and it only runs at 30fps on the console...but at least I have opponents :p

Sorry for sounding so blunt, but a lot of console players simply don't know any better.

UT3 by all accounts from most PC gamers perspectives is a crap game, a shadow of its once glorious former self.

The reason being of course, that it was developed with consoles and console players in mind.

Oh, and you couldn't pay me enough to play UT3 on a console, with a gamepad, 1/3 the resolution, AA/AF that's virtually nonexistent, and 1/3 the framerates at a sluggish 30 fps.

No way, no how.
Sorry for sounding so blunt, but a lot of console players simply don't know any better.

UT3 by all accounts from most PC gamers perspectives is a crap game, a shadow of its once glorious former self.

The reason being of course, that it was developed with consoles and console players in mind.

Oh, and you couldn't pay me enough to play UT3 on a console, with a gamepad, 1/3 the resolution, AA/AF that's virtually nonexistent, and 1/3 the framerates at a sluggish 30 fps.

No way, no how.

Why's that, you should be used to 30fps and below playing crysis all this time.
Why's that, you should be used to 30fps and below playing crysis all this time.

30 fps in Crysis is smooth by all accounts, even [H] reviews/benchmarks note that fact specifically, and besides it's not a twitch online shooter, like UT3, so nice attempt at baiting.

Besides, with contemporary video cards, especially in SLI, 60 FPS is easily attainable, and I can even reach that if I wanted to with a single card if I bumped only the res (not even the in-game settings) down to console resolutions. :eek:

Oh, and for the record, Im hitting ~ 45 FPS average on my custom Very High config, at 1600x1200, with 16x AF and 2x edge AA...thank you very much. :)