EA now selling DLC...for existing DLC


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 25, 2013

Trust EA to make a loathed practice even scummier and revolting than previously thought possible. Bet the suits would love to roll this out to all their other IPs.
I know this sounds bad, but playing devil's advocate I don't see the issue here. It's completely optional, and a lot of casual gamers including my wife play Sims. If they already have the Pets DLC and they want more outfits for the pets then I suppose this would be an enticing purchase for them. I wouldn't do it, but there are people who ONLY play Sims and I could see this being appealing to them.
TBH, this doesn't sound like a new thing or even an evolution of some existing thing. It sounds exactly like all the bullshit cosmetic stuff EA and other publishers already sell in games.

I'm not saying it's right, nor do I like the practice. Its just more of the same bullshit we've seen for years. If I'm missing something, please enlighten me.
Im not sure why people call this anti-consumer. Consumers want and pay for this garbage... suck it up.
I'd much rather they gave everything away for free.
Anyone remember a couple years ago when game devs were crying bloody murder about how terrible the work --> crunch --> layoff cycle was. This might be big business actually helping people. Yet gamers bitch still.
In EA world, this isn't DLC for DLC, it's DLC for an expansion. The expansion was like buying another game. So to offer DLC for it only makes since.

This MS selling the creators update and then offering a theme pack for it. Similar idea

If you think about Sims4 as a standalone product I can see the frustration, but if you look at it as a platform then it sort of works. The various expansions aren't DLC, they are plugin modules for the platform to allow it to do more. You pay for the expanded ability. Now you are offering additional expansions for those plugins...new content has value.
Horse armor was optional...then map packs were optional....then microtransactions were optional....then loot boxes were optional....then etc. If you can't see how cancerous and anti-consumer these practices are then you clearly have not been paying attention.

Of course I am paying attention but this is nothing new.
Leave it to EA to pioneer another way to screw over a customer. I knew they wouldn't disappoint.
If you think about Sims4 as a standalone product I can see the frustration, but if you look at it as a platform then it sort of works.

Well it's obvious that EA looks at it as a platform.
To them it's a platform for expansion packs (4 listed), game packs (6 listed), stuff packs (14 listed - of which the last is the one that the OP raised in this thread - "My First Pet Stuff") and additional DLC (4 listed).
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sims_4

Given that the wiki article references mixed initial reviews of this game, due to a lack of content - one glance at the list of optional content confirms what EA's strategy is with this title. They did the same in the past with previous titles in the series, so it shouldn't come as a shock, but the number of optional add-ons is more than I had thought.

I guess you either support them and like the game or you don't and none of it effects you.
I fall into the latter group.
Pretty average though in my opinion for a developer to break a game into pieces, only to charge for each additional part.
I bought loot packs from Wizards of the Coast in 1997, they just weren't digital. We're lucky people had slow internet or some other reasons it didn't hit most games in 2000.
It's obvious that's what we know at first they release uncooked game after that they start selling DLC to earn more.
"stuff pack content" is the most hilarious chain of words I've ever seen that perfectly describes the state of AAA gaming.
Hey at least we can just download this content. I remember going to Egghead software to buy speech packs for Wing Commander 2 and Ultima 7 way back when. Things have changed but they're still kind of the same, and I don't tend to buy games that are the most egregious examples of pay 2 win or DLC milk factories. EA sucks though and even though I've bought some games from them I never will forgive them for killing Origin back in the 90's. Frankly I'm surprised EA hasn't acquired Overkill and Payday 2, think of all the DLC that combo could spawn.