EA Blames PS4 Day-One Patch For Instability Issues

If Microsoft ends up having a smooth launch with the Xbox One, this is going to hurt Sony big time for a few quarters at the least. Console gamers have very little patience when it comes to crap like this but then again, the Xbox 360 still had strong sales despite nearly 3 years of RROD consoles. Should be interesting to see how things turn out for the PS4.
disabled people aren't allowed to use the internet? Fail would be happy to know you don't believe he is deaf.

Nope, disabled people shouldn't use the internet. Dont know how Fail managed to get his hands on the web
If Microsoft ends up having a smooth launch with the Xbox One, this is going to hurt Sony big time for a few quarters at the least. Console gamers have very little patience when it comes to crap like this but then again, the Xbox 360 still had strong sales despite nearly 3 years of RROD consoles. Should be interesting to see how things turn out for the PS4.

I think they are a little more willing to accept it myself. Both consoles had their issues last time around, Xbox 360 being worse, but still both had issues and both sides just accepted it.

As for as for how smooth of a launch Xbox One will have. I was actually just thinking about this today.There were rumbles about issues with PS4 consoles before launch having issues from people who got them early, review sites... haven't heard anything about the Xbox one yet. We know that review sites would have them. We also know that about 100 or so people accidently got them from Target when they screwed up and shipped them ahead of time. Haven't heard a word about any issues with them. So maybe that is a sign that they will have a smooth launch, at least as far as not having a lot of bricks. Guess we will know here in a few more days.
Hardly. The launch 360 was MIRED in errors and had RROD from day one. The PS4 is 99.4 percent fine for everyone that bought it basically. No one turns their nose up at a percentage like that.

PSN is now fully working and stable.

Now we get to see how well Microsoft prepared. I think they will fair better and that the console will largely work great. But I can only imagine seeing that Metro UI crashing when you are yelling at Kinect to do shit. Comedy gold INCOMING.

But where does that 99+ % number come from?
According to this page, it came from Sony, and it was 1 day before launch so it has to be BS and we don't know the real numbers yet.

"Sony threw out this number that only .4% of the consoles shipped to retailers, as far as they know, have been affected by whatever is happening here. That 99.6% success rate for a brand new console is actually really good. The statement, however, came from November 14th, the day before the PS4's launch. "
A lot of fishy stuff happening here with Sony. Hope they aren't ruining their console.
Foxconn intern claims PS4 was sabotaged during manufacturing


"The intern noted that because Foxconn didn’t treat them well, they didn’t treat the PS4 well. Stating: “The ps4 console we assemble can be turned on at best.” which may explain the pulsing blue light issues that many people have experienced, mainly on Amazon shipments where about 33% of the total verified reviewers have reported the issue."
Are there are other games that are verified to be crashing and bricking for the PS4? Either way, it is funny to see even that EA can still be humbled by Sony.

You can make a great game, but that doesn't help when the console manufacturer can grab you by the balls, and tell you to f#@k off somewhere else with your product.