E6400 and E6600 overclock


Aug 5, 2004
From what I have read, the E6400 overclocks better than the E6600, especially when the E6400 is a week 25.

That being said, if you can get a week 25 E6600 wouldn't you be able to overclock just as well as the E6400 but with 2MB extra cache?

Or is there no such thing as a week 25 E6600. I think Fry's selling them now.
Week 24 seems to be the best for the E6600. That said, I got a week 23. :(
little OT but what would you guys choose if you are going the 2MB cache route:

6400 or 6300?

The 6400, being that it has higher multi, you don't have to OC the FSB that much.
If a good DS3 motherboard has an FSB wall at 500, theoretically, you can get your 6400 to 4 ghz with good cooling.
For the record, I have a week 24 E6600 and I pretty much can't overclock it at all. It seems to be unstable even @ 2.7Ghz no matter what I do. Kinda sux but I'm still very happy with the performance @ stock, but it is disappointing to see many others overclocking it @ 3Ghz and beyond.
DarkOneX said:
For the record, I have a week 24 E6600 and I pretty much can't overclock it at all. It seems to be unstable even @ 2.7Ghz no matter what I do. Kinda sux but I'm still very happy with the performance @ stock, but it is disappointing to see many others overclocking it @ 3Ghz and beyond.

ME TOO! week 24 OEM 6600 from ClubIT.

I'm starting to wonder if these were a batch of pretested chips. (tested for overclocking then sold on the "grey market" b/c they weren't good OC'rs) Thats one reason I've preferred Retail boxes in the past, its at least a truely luck game. Where with OEM chips you never know, someone may have already picked through the tray for the good ones!
I also thought this when i overclocked mine and you lot are probably right that they were binned to be oem's and performed less and also that a certain week performed better.

These are early Cores yet and no idea what the future cores have in store for us.

There is something that got my overall overclock higher and that was when i replaced my bad ram :D The ram can mean great trouble when this happens.

I was getting errors just before i started my overclock whilst running 32meg pi , it was good that i found out it was my memory then i got 1ghz overclock after i changed the ram, it was enough.
I'm Prime testing at 2.7Ghz right now.... 9 x 300FSB

Seems to be ok. I just set all voltages back to default except CPU, which is only at 1.38v. I think adding juice to the MCH, DIMM, etc.. was actually making things less stable!

I'm worried my cheap PQI Turbo ram might hold me back. Its only rated DDR667 @ 5-5-5-15. It was fine for my 920D @ 3.9Ghz, its was just barely above its spec speed.