E3300 FSB/DRAM Question


Limp Gawd
Mar 1, 2005
So I saw that the rated FSB of this processor was 800mhz, so I got RAM that was 800mhz to match the FSB.

However, when I run CPUZ, it says that the FSB:DRAM ratio is 1:2.

The CPU tab says that the "Rated FSB" is 800mhz, but the bus speed is 200mhz. I assumed that rated FSB = Bus speed X 2 (since its dual core).

Can anyone please set me straight? Thanks
So I saw that the rated FSB of this processor was 800mhz, so I got RAM that was 800mhz to match the FSB.

However, when I run CPUZ, it says that the FSB:DRAM ratio is 1:2.

The CPU tab says that the "Rated FSB" is 800mhz, but the bus speed is 200mhz. I assumed that rated FSB = Bus speed X 2 (since its dual core).

Can anyone please set me straight? Thanks

Last I knew, Intel uses a quad piped 200mhz bus to get the 800mhz. So when you're messing with the bus, it'll be 200, but you have to remember to multiply the number by 4 to get the FSB. So 250mhz would get you running at 1000mhz FSB. Try checking for a ratio for your ram in the BIOS, you may have to set some setting to manual. At stock, you should be able to set it to 1:1.
The frequency of the RAM is multiplied by two to get the 800MHz. Like Ethereal said, the bus speed of the CPU is multiplied by four to get the rated FSB. That's why it says it's a 1:2 ratio. The RAM is running at 400MHz (x2), and the rated FSB is at 800MHz (200 x4).

I lol'd at the "FSB:DRAM"
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The ratio is based on the base FSB speed, not the quad-pumped speed. So 1:2 in this case means 200MHz:400MHz. If you want the RAM to run at 800MHz, you will either have to overclock the FSB to 400MHz or change the ratio to 1:4 instead.