E3110 (same as E8400) Retail in stock for $219


May 19, 2005
So, I began to get extremely aggravated with my search for a reasonably priced E8400 chip. Having read threads on this forum an elsewhere, it appears that the E3110 is actually just as overclockable (even with the slightly different reference voltage range).

I looked around to see who had any of those in stock at a reasonable price. Word must be getting around about the E3110, because it's getting harder and harder to find too.

First, I checked FleaBay, and found a seller with 424 feedback, 100% positive (expcestore). But, I wasn't pleased with the price ($249 plus $19.95 shipping). They happened to list a website, so I checked their direct webpage.

If you order direct from www.excaliberpc.com, they have over a hundred chips in stock for only $219. USPS Priority shipping for me was only $7.99.

I was going to post this one in the hot deals forum, but they instituted some rule where you can't post there without a 50 post history (which is a pain because I can't even post a thank you to the OP in threads where I've taken advantage of a deal there)

BTW, I'm curious what others thought about the E8400 shortage. Intel claims that they're pumping out 100k chips a day, yet it's virtually impossible to find this chip. I see today that even though Newegg doesn't have them in stock, they've raised the price to $259. It's went up $20 in the last couple days. Before long, they'll be in Amazon price territory :) However, the E8200 is easily found. Almost makes you think they've slackened production on the E8400 in order to ramp up production on the E8200. Same price, but not as overclockable due to a less favorable multiplier. Almost makes me think that Intel isn't happy with the overclockability of the E8400 and want to make them less plentiful in the marketplace. Let the conspiracy theories begin! :)
BTW, I'm curious what others thought about the E8400 shortage. Intel claims that they're pumping out 100k chips a day, yet it's virtually impossible to find this chip. I see today that even though Newegg doesn't have them in stock, they've raised the price to $259. It's went up $20 in the last couple days. Before long, they'll be in Amazon price territory :) However, the E8200 is easily found. Almost makes you think they've slackened production on the E8400 in order to ramp up production on the E8200. Same price, but not as overclockable due to a less favorable multiplier. Almost makes me think that Intel isn't happy with the overclockability of the E8400 and want to make them less plentiful in the marketplace. Let the conspiracy theories begin! :)

Actually, I think people actually want to buy the E8400. No one is buying the E8200, hence it's easily available. How many "My new E8200" or "E8200 vs Quad" threads do you see? Besides, these both come off the same production line I believe, and are just sold based on how they benchmark.
Nice find, and it's retail too!

If I didn't jump on the $220 E8400 deal we had a week ago I would be all over this!
I looked all over the net for information regarding the difference between this and a 8400. A few sites said the chip was better "binned" than the desktop chip and passed tougher quality testing making sure it would handle more heat inside a server. Also it seems that these chips are overclocking just as well as the 8400 but may run slightly hotter when doing so. The specs on Intels site indicate a slightly different voltage range. I don’t plan on overclocking right off but may toy with it after getting a better heatsink. One difference I found is that the retail heatsink is not copper and shorter than the units shipping with the E6750’s.